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Course Syllabus


Jan 8
Jan 15
Jan 22
Jan 29
Feb 5
Feb 12
Feb 19
Feb 26
Mar 4
Mar 11
Mar 18
Mar 25
April 1
April 8
April 15
April 22

Students are expected to have read the assigned materials and be prepared to participate in on line class discussion and activities
every week.
Session Topics
Readings and Assignments

Jan 8

Required campus meeting

BHG 111 


  • Course Overview
  • Technology Overview
  • Practice

Technology Survival Skills Self-Assessment 

Student Information 

WebBoard Discussion Exercise

Consent Form

This session will address the following learning outcomes: 

  1. Find a Web site for applied linguisitcs and 2nd language acquisition.
  2. Send an email with/without an attachment to the instructor.
  3. Post a message to the class distribution list.
  4. Reply to the message from the instructor.
  5. Complete Tech. Skills online survey.
  6. Complete the Student Information Form.
  7. Post a message on the WebBoard.
  8. Reply to/follow up a posting on the WebBoard.
  9. Use on-line library catalogue and search on-line databases for publications.
  10. Retrieve electronic course reserves.
  11. (4. 4) Recognize major education professional organizations and publications providing information related to the basic principles of linguistics and issues relevant to second language learning and teaching.
  12. (5.1) Incorporate resources and instructional materials including media and technology to promote and facilitate second language learning among LEP diverse learners.



Session Topics
Readings & Assignment

Jan 15

Brown, Ch 1, pp 1-8 

Fromkin & Rodman, Ch 1, pp 3-28 

WebBoard Discussion 

This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1. (1.8) Demonstrate knowledge of language as a developmental process, in learning and teaching.
  2. (3.1) Identify linguistic components that influence students' performance.
  3. (4.1) Identify strategies for facilitating the articulation of linguistic issues and language learning regarding LEP diverse student among educators, administrators, parents and community.



Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

Jan 22 


Brown, Ch 1, pp 8-17 

Bratt Paulston,
Part 1
Part 2

WebBoard Discussion

This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of trends in linguistics and psychology.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the theatrical and applied aspects of language learning.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of the "Grammar Translation Method."
  4. (1.1) Examine the nature of language as a system for communication.
  5. (1.2) Demonstrate an understanding of the language branches of discourse, phonology, morphology, semantics and syntax.
  6. (2.4) Analyze how the sociocultural context impacts language development.



Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

Jan 29

  • First Language Acquisition: Theories, Approaches, and Relevant Issues to ELL
  • Session Notes  




Brown, Ch 2, pp 21-47 

Piper, Ch 1, pp 1-18 

WebBoard Discussion

This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1. Demonstrate knowledge in the Tarone's notion of "heterogeneous."
  2. Understand Chomky's review of verbal behavior.
  3. (1.3) Identify and assess potential linguistic interferences for LEP students of diverse backgrounds.
  4. (1.6) Recognize various effective communication strategies students' use as they are learning a new language.
  5. (2.1) Compare and contrast first and second language acquisition theories and approaches by identifying principles, characteristics, terminology, and validity.
  6. (2.2) Recognize developmental stages of language development and compare to language acquisition of different age groups and literacy levels.
  7. (2.5) Demonstrate knowledge related to basic research and theories of language learning and teaching including- ideas about language and language acquisition; notion of "heterogeneous"; review of verbal behavior; lateralization and second language acquisition; language, thought and culture; input hypothesis; principles of interlanguage, semilingualism, and fossilization; others. 




Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

Feb 5

Brown, Ch 2, pp 21-47 
Johnson & Newport, pp 75-112 

WebBoard Discussion 

Individual Vision Due (Draft)

This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1. Gain knowledge of Gouin's ideas about language and language acquisition.
  2. Demonstrate understanding between the series method and the direct method. 
  3. (2.3) Contrast differences between language acquisition and language learning.
  4. (4.2) Share personal visions of second language learning.



Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

Feb 12

  • Second Language Acquisition Theories
  • Views on Language Learning
  • Session Notes 


     Happy Valentine!




Brown, Ch 11, pp 275-297 

DOE Study Guide  Session 1,  139-169 

Collier, V.A. (1995) Promoting academic success for ESL students. 

WebBoard Discussion

This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of  the mayor theories of second language acquisition.
  2. (1.7) Recognize the potential influences of differences between the first language and the target language.
  3. (1.8) Demonstrate knowledge of language as a a developmental process, in leaning and teaching.
  4. (4.3) Demonstrate knowledge of trends in applied linguistics and theoretical aspects of language learning, teaching, and second language acquisition.



Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

Feb 19

  • Comparing and Contrasting First and Second Language Acquisition
  • Issues in First Language Acquisition Revisited
  • Session Notes 

Brown, Ch 3, pp 48-71 

WebBoard Discussion 


This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1.  (1.4) Identify and contrast selected features of the two languages and predict levels of difficulty.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of research findings relevant to psychomotor, cognitive, affective, and linguistic considerations.
  3. (3.4) Identify principles of contrastive and error analysis.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of Thomas Scovel's findings related to lateralization and second language acquisition.
  5. Gain knowledge of the audio-lingual method (ALM).

Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

Feb 26

Required campus meeting BHG 111 


Brown, Ch 8, pp 192-199 


This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1. (1.5) Compare characteristics an sociolinguuistic language functions of idiomatic expressions, slang, dialect, jargon, and Standard American English.
  2. (3.3) Analyze the structure of English sentences using traditional grammatical analysis.
  3. (3.5) Use semantic categories to assign meanings.



Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

March 4

  • Applications of Brain- Based Research to Second Language Acquisition
  • Session Notes


Brown, Ch 5, pp 103-131 

TESOL Video 

WebBoard Discussion 


This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1. (2.4) Analyze how the sociocultural context impacts language development.
  2. (3.6) Recognize that word meaning is closely related to how concepts are presented in the mind.
  3. (4.3) Demonstrate knowledge of trends in applied linguistics and theoretical aspects of language learning, teaching, and second language acquisition.
  4. (4.4) Recognize major education professional organizations and publications providing information related to the basic principles of linguistics and issues relevant to second language learning and teaching.
  5. Demonstrate understanding of left and right brain differences in learning.




Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

March 11

Spring Break!





Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

March 18

  • Contrastive Analysis Interlanguage, and Error Analysis
  • Session Notes 




Brown, Ch 8, pp 192-222 

TEST/LEPS information 

WebBoard Discussion 

Graphic Organizers Due

This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of contrastive analysis hypothesis.
  2. Compare and contrast between mistake and error.
  3. Design activities that will prepare students in the ESOL Program to distinguish between mistakes and errors.
  4. (1.4) Identify and contrast selected features of the two languages and predict levels of difficulty.
  5. Identify and assess linguistic problems.
  6. Establish a comparative analysis in English structure in relation to other languages.



Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

March 25

  • Sociocultural Factors and Second Language Acquisition
  • Language, Thought, and Culture
  • Session Notes

Brown, Ch 7, pp 163-189 


WebBoard Discussion 

Language Sample Analysis Due

This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1. Demonstrate understanding of cultures through MurdockÌs Seven Universals of cultural patterns of behavior.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of cultural stereotypes, attitudes, and acculturation.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of culture in the classroom.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of social distance.
  5. (5.2) Identify characteristics to be considered when selecting instructional technology for content and reading materials, as well as their compatibility with with Sunshine State Standards, to facilitate language learning for LEP diverse students. 




Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

April 1

  • Language Learning
  • Myth and Misconceptions
  • Academic vs. Social Language
  • Session Notes

Brown, Ch 9, pp 226-248 

McLaughlin  Educational Report 


WebBoard Discussion 

This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1. (3.7) Differentiate language proficiencies relating to basic interpersonal skills and cognitive academic language skills.





Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

April 8

  • Language Learning: 


Brown, Ch 9, pp 226-248 

DOE Teach (selected readings): Language Learning, Section 2-3 Study Guide 

Fries, pp 1-14 

Handbook Due

This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the language branches of discourse and phonology.
  2. Identify rules of discourse in various conversations.
  3. Analyze scaffolding as a technique that can be used to improve discourse.
  4. Use new information to develop classroom activities.
  5. Identify English sounds that present difficulty to non-native speakers.
  6. Identify and overcome potential interference do to differences in structure among languages.



Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

April 15

  • Language Learning: 

    Morphology and Syntax  Semantics 

Brown, Ch 9, pp 226-248 

DOE Teach (selected readings): Language Learning, Section 4-5 Study Guide 

WebBoard Discussion

This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of morphology and syntax and the effects of first and second languages on language learning.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of morphology and the roles of stress, intonation, and rhythm in conveying meaning.
  3. Identify morphemes and the difficulty they may cause to ESOL students.
  4. Examine the roles of syntax and morphology in determining word meaning.
  5. Use semantic categories to assign meanings.
  6. Recognize the trouble that metaphorical meanings could give ESOL students.
  7. (5.2) Identify characteristics to be considered when selecting instructional technology for content and reading materials, as well as their compatibility with with Sunshine State Standards, to facilitate language learning for LEP diverse students. 




Session Topics
Readings & Assignments

April 22 

Required campus meeting BHG111 

12:30- 3:30

  •  Presentations
  • Final Thoughts/Closure

Final Group Vision 


This session will address the following additional learning outcomes: 

  1. (4.1) Identify strategies for facilitating the articulation of linguistic issues and language learning regarding LEP diverse student among educators, administrators, parents and community.
  2. (4.2) Share personal visions of second language learning.
  3. (4.3) Demonstrate knowledge of trends in applied linguistics and theoretical aspects of language learning, teaching, and second language acquisition.
  4. (5.1) Incorporate resources and instructional materials including media and technology to promote and facilitate second language learning among LEP diverse learners.
  5. (5.2) Identify characteristics to be considered when selecting instructional technology for content and reading materials, as well as their compatibility with with Sunshine State Standards, to facilitate language learning for LEP diverse students. 


 Instructor reserves the right to change the schedule in the syllabus as needed.


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