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Midterm Evaluation

This evaluation attempts to assess and improve the course design and the use of technologies. Please take a few minutes to complete this evaluation and submit it electronically. Be honest and thoughtful with your responses. Answers provided will not affect in any way your final grade. Thank your very much for your cooperation.

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Click on one of the choices to complete each statement below.

1. The course is interesting and valuable to my professional practice.

    Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly disagree

2. The difficulty level and the amount of reading in the course are appropriate to me.

    Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly disagree

3. How useful were the assignments in helping you understand the content?

    very useful useful not very useful useless

4. What is the source of your learning in this course? Rank each choice according to its importance to you.

    a. Reading Text
    1-very important 2- less important 3- not important

    b. Participating in the online discussion
    1-very important 2- less important 3- not important

    c. Asking questions (via email or face-to-face)
    1-very important 2- less important 3- not important

    d. Others (Please name other activities that are helpful to your learning)
    1-very important 2- less important 3- not important

5. I can find the information I need for the course (e.g. session objectives, activities, and assignments) on the course Web page.

    Always Most times Sometimes Occasionally Never

6. I am experiencing problems accessing the course web page.

    Always Frequently Seldom Never

    If applicable, identify the location where you are experiencing difficulty (e.g. from home and/or in the FGCU computer lab).

7. I am experiencing problems accessing and using the WebBoard.

    Always Frequently Seldom Never

    If applicable, identify the location where you are experiencing difficulty (e.g. from home and/or in the FGCU computer lab).

8. I am experiencing problems receiving course-related e-mail.

    Always Frequently Seldom Never

    If applicable, identify the location where you are experiencing difficulty (e.g. from home and/or in the FGCU computer lab).

9. How often do you access the course web page?

    once a day more than twice a week once a week less than once a week

10. How often do you access the WWWboard?

    once a day more than twice a week once a week less than once a week

11. This distance learning web course provides me with ________ access to the instructor and or other students.

    more than adequate adequate less than adequate inadequate

12. How useful was the online discussion in helping you understand the course?

    very useful useful not very useful useless

13. I would have learned ____________ if the course was delivered face-to-face.

    much more a little more the same a little less much less

    Please explain your choice.

14. In terms of content, the course is appropriate to be delivered via the Internet (at a distance).

    Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

15. List the aspects of this course that promote your learning.

16. List the aspects of this course that inhibite your learning.

17. What recommendations do you have for changes in this course that might reduce barriers to your learning?

18. Please evaluate the text used in the course in terms of content, interest, organization, and readability.

19. Please evaluate the course content in terms of the following: organization, applicability, relevance to your work or other courses, and general interest. Feel free to make suggestions for the inclusion of topics or content for the improvement of the course.

20. Please evaluate the course requirements, tasks, and responsibilities.

21. Was there anything that you considered a waste of time/inappropriate use of your time in this course?

22. On a scale of one to ten, with 10 being the highest score, rank this course in comparison with other courses that you have taken at FGCU.

23. Please evaluate the professor in terms of content presentation on the web, organizing online discussion, ability to motivate and create interest, availability and interest in meeting students' needs. Feel free to make suggestions.

24. Please tell the professor anything else that you think she needs to know. How can the professor do a better job of making the subject matter meaningful? The professor is available to meet with you if you have any suggestions you'd like to discuss in person.

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