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From the Instructor ... (Feb19)


Comparing and Contrasting First and Second Language Acquisition, H. Douglas Brown pp.48-72
    Parameters to consider in the process of interpreting the relationship between first and second language acquisition include ---

The Critical Period Hypothesis.

  1. The Neurological Aspect
  2. The Psychomotor
  3. The Cognitive
  4. The Affective
  5. Linguistics considerations and its use in ESL

[ Try to explain Scovel's claim about native accent.]



    SOCIOLINGUISTIC THEORY -- divided into 2 components: sociology of language and sociolinguistics

    A. Sociology of language deals with language problems/issues and language treatments at the national level as problems arise within and between ethnic and national groups

    Examples: national language; writing system; bilingual education; language maintenance

    A sociology of language issue can be -- the choice of teaching English to Nigerian children or choosing to read in Spanish to Hispanic children.

    B. Sociolinguistics -- this approach to describing language takes into account social features of a far from ideal speaker and seeks to account for the rules of linguistic variability.

    Examples: social status; regional; cultural; gender

    So in reality sociolinguistics is interested in pragmatics, discourse analysis, cross-cultural communication. It combines several disciplines: anthropology, linguistics, and sociology. (Exponents- Labov, Hymes, Bernstein).

    In practice we see that the use of sociolinguistics theory tends to be problem oriented in its application frequently dealing with language learning difficulties of students from other than the mainstream.

    SOCIOLINGUISTIC SITUATIONS -- use of real world situations in which students are going to use English.

    The question for us teachers is: how do we define English teaching in terms of the functions of these needs?

    SOCIOLINGUISTIC DESCRIPTION -- is what we call communicative competence.

    When - how - to whom - is appropriate to speak, learn about social interactional rules

    Sociolinguistics description present questions in terms of which approach to use when teaching ESL

    Should the focus of language teaching be on language usage rather than form? If so, then, language teaching moves from only the discrete units and grammatical sequence to becoming "speech acts."

Issues in First Language Revisited, H. Douglas Brown, pp. 66-72

Competence and performance

Comprehension and production


Language and thought





[ How do they relate to the Audiolingual Method? ]


    The following should be considered when teaching language --


    Working into patterns of English language

    What is rule-governed behavior?

    What needs to be memorized?

    What structures are similar and different?


    DEFINING CONTENT ITEMS - the selection and sequencing of language materials for the curriculum or the sequencing of language items


    PSYCHOLINGUISTIC THEORY (Exponent: Ausubel, Slobin, and Wardhaugh)

    reflects the cognitive psychology influence on teaching language

    language learning must be meaningful (not habit forming)

    emphasis on analysis and developing competence



    Four skills introduced simultaneously

    Meaningful learning with the purpose of communication



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