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From the Instructor ... (Jan 15)

By now you must have realized that in this course we are engaging in constructing knowledge relevant to applied linguistics and second language acquisition issues. You should begin categorizing what you learn and read in terms of components of language, systems of language, theories of language, stages of language development, process of second language learning, and implications for language instruction of English language learners (ELL). There may be other themes or topics that you consider important, and you should add them as you develop your conceptual framework. Hopefully this categorizations will be helpful as you start thinking about your personal positions regarding applied linguistics and second language acquisition and its effect on students' learning and the way you teach.

Chapter 1, Principles of Language, Learning and Teaching, H. Douglas Brown, pp. 1-8.

Some ideas--

Information on Applied linguistics and second language acquisition is important in understanding and identifying students needs. This information relates directly to both, how you assess and instruct students.

In discussing essential terms and concepts related to the area keep in mind the following --Thus so far we know that - there is a need for providing students with opportunities to learn and use language, the length of time in which students are expected to learn the language has a direct effect on how students learn and how we teach.

Not all aspects of language learning are easily observed and /or measured by teachers. Considerations of social and academic language and stages of language development are critical in understanding the language learning process of English language learners (ELL).


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