Chapter 11: Theories of Second Language
Acquisition, H Douglas Brown, pp. 275-297
- Establish a difference between the taxonomies,
hypotheses, and models
- Understand Krashen's Input Hypothesis
- McLaughlin's Attention-Processing Model
- Bialystok's Analysis/Automaticity Model
- Review the five characteristics of the current
language teaching "revolution." Do you find evidence for
those characteristics in classes you have taken or observed? What
further characteristics would you add?
Supplemental Readings:
- Collier, Virginia (1995) Promoting Academic Success
for ESL Students
- DOE Teach Study Guide Session (pp139-169)
is language?
How do children acquire
Can adults facilitate
language acquisition?
Introduction to Second
Language Theory
Three different language
Views on language learning
Note -
Readings for this week (Feb 12) are also relevant
for next week's discussion (Feb 19).