Schedule of Activities

 PCB 4233C  Immunology
Schedule of Activities
Session Topics
Readings & Assignments
August 25
Module 1
Course Overview 

Overview of the Immune Systems 

  • Historical Perspective 
  • Innate (Nonspecific) Immunity 
  • Acquired (Specific) Immunity 
Readings: Kuby Chapter 1 

Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms  



This session will address the following  learning outcomes: 
  • Define the Immune system and the early theories of Immunity.
  • Describe the branches of the immune system.
  • Distinguish between a secondary response and a primary response.
  • Compare and contrast innate and acquired immunity.

  • Date
    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 2
    Aug. 27
    Experimental Systems 
    • Experimental Animal Models 
    • Cell-Culture systems 
    • Recombinant DNA Technology 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 2 

    Assignments: Matching/Definition/Terms  


    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Describe at least two experimental systems that immunologists use routinely to study the immune system. 
    • List at least two recombinant DNA techniques that have revolutionized the study of the immune system in the past 10 years. 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 3
    Sept. 1
    Cells and Organs of the Immune System 
    • Hematopoiesis 
    • Immune-System Cells 
    • Organs of the Immune system 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 3, Lab Workbook Chapter 1 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms  

    Activities: Chapter 1, pp7-10; Chapter 5, pp 31-33 Lymphocyte Isolation, Blood Smear 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Identify a primary and secondary lymphoid organs and describe their functions in the immune response.
    • Identify what cell types compose the stroma and describe the two important functions of the thymic stromal cells.
    • Describe the processes of antigenic commitment and clonal selection, where do they occur and how do they contribute to the specificity and memory of the immune system.

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 4
    Sept. 3
    • Immunogenicity versus Antigenicity 
    • Factors that influence Immunogenicity 
    • Epitopes 
    • Haptens and the Study of antigenicity  Mitogens 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 4 , Lab Workbook Chapter 13 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms  

    Activities:  Chapter 13, pp 75-85 Precipitation Reactions 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Identify the molecular properties of antigens and their contribution to immune activation. 
    • List the contribution made by the biological system to immunogenicity; the role it plays in determining whether a molecule can bind to a B or T cell's antigen-binding receptor to induce an immune response. 
    • Define the differences in the way T and B lymphocytes recognize antigens. 
    • Describe how antigens are recognized by each branch of the immune system. 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 5
    Sept. 8-10
    Immunoglobulins: Structure and Function 
    • Basic Structure of Immunoglobulins 
    • Immunoglobulin Sequencing Studies 
    • Immunoglobulin Fine Structure 
    • B-Cel Receptor 
    • Antigenic determinants on Immunoglobulins 
    • Immunoglobulin Classes 
    • The Immunoglobulin superfamily 
    • Monoclonal Antibodies 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 5, Lab Workbook Chapter 13 and 14 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/ Terms 

    Activities:  Chapter 14, pp 87-92 Immunoelectrophoresis 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Discuss how the primary, secondary, and tertiary structure of immunoglobulins contribute to both their specificity and their effector functions. 
    • Describe the process for identifying the serum-protein fraction containing antibodies as defined by Tiselius and Kabat. 
    • Define the role of myeloma in immunoglobulin sequencing studies. 
    • Explain the basic structure of an antibody molecule. 
    • List the constant region in the an antibody molecule list the immunoglobulin molecule series. 

     Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments 
    Module 6
    Sept. 15-17

    Sept. 17- Quiz 1 

     Antigen-Antibody Interactions 
    • Strength of Antigen-antibody Interactions 
    • Cross-Reactivity 
    • Agglutination Reactions 
    • Radioimmunoassay 
    • Western Blotting 
    • Immunofluorescence 
    • Immunoelectron Microscopy 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 6, Lab Workbook Chapter 11, 12, 15 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms  

    Activities: Chapter 11, pp 65-72; Chapter 15, pp 93-96 Agglutination Reaction, Passive Agglutination, Quantitative Precipitin Assay, Mr Campbell's Kidney 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Describe the nature of the antigen-antibody interaction. 
    • Explain Cross-Reactivity of unrelated antigens. 
    • Discuss various immunologic assays that measure antigen-antibody interaction. 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 7
    Sept. 22-24
    Organization and Expression of  Immunoglobulin Genes 
    • Genetic Model Compatible with Ig 
    • Structure Multigene Organization of Ig Genes 
    • Variable-Region Gene Rearrangements 
    • Generation of Antibody Diversity 
    • Class Switching among Constant-Region Genes 
    • Expression of Ig Genes 
    • Regulation of Ig-Gene Transcription 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 7, Lab Workbook Chapter 15 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms  

    Activities: Chapter 14, pp 87-92 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Describe the detailed organization of the immunoglobulin genes. 
    • Discuss the process of Ig-gene rearrangement. 
    • Explain the mechanisms that generate antibody diversity. 
    • Define the properties and process for class switching. 
    • Describe the role of differential RNA processing in the immunoglobulin genes. 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 8
    Sept. 29-
    Oct. 1
    B-Cell Maturation, Activation, and Differentiation 
    • B-Cell Maturation 
    • B-Cell Activation and Proliferation 
    • In Vivo Sites for Induction of Humoral Response 
    • B-Cell Differentiation 
    • Regulation of B-Cell Development 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 8 , Lab Workbook Chapter 5 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms 

    Activities: Handout 
    Identification of B-cells 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Define the sequential stages in B-cell development. 
    • Explain the humoral response process that occurs with antigen induced activation and differentiation of mature B cells. 
    • List the consequences of immune responses by self-antigen properties. 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 9
    Oct.  6-8
    Oct 6
    Exam 1
    Oct. 8
    Quiz 2
    Major Histocompatibility 
    • General Organization and Inheritance of the MHC 
    • MHC Molecules and Genes 
    • Detailed Genomic Map of MHC Genes 
    • Cellular Distribution of MHC Molecules 
    • Regulation of MHC Expression 
    • MHC and Immune Responsiveness 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 9, Lab Workbook Chapter 24 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms 

    Activities:  Chapter 24, pp147-148, Mixed Lymphocyte Response, Paternity Testing 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Describe the primary function of Major Histocompatibility Complex. 
    • Differentiate between MHC Class I and Class II and Class III molecules. 
    • Explain various mapping techniques. 
    • Discuss the interaction between MHC molecules and peptides. 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 10
    Oct.  13-15
    Antigen Processing and Presentation 
    • Self-MHC Restriction of T Cells 
    • Role of Antigen-Presenting Cells 
    • Evidence for Two Processing and Presentation 
    • Endogenous Antigens: The Cytosolic Pathway 
    • Exogenous Antigens: The Endocytic Pathway 
    • Clinical Applications 
    Readings: Chapter 10 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms 

    Activities:  TBA 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Describe the Self-MHC Restriction of T Cells. 
    • Discuss the role of antigen-presenting cells. 
    • Explain antigen presentation. 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 11
    Oct. 20-22
    T-Cell Receptor 
    • Early Studies of the T-Cell Receptor 
    • Structure of T-Cell Receptors 
    • Organization and Rearrangement of TCR Genes 
    • T-Cell Receptor Complex: TCR-CD3 
    • T-Cell Accessory Membrane Molecules 
    • Ternary TCR-Peptide-MHC Complex 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 11, Lab Workbook Chapter 6 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms  

    Activities: Chapter 6, pp 33-36;T-Cells 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Understand the function and structure of T-Cell Receptors 
    • Describe the interaction of T-Cell Receptors and Membrane Molecules 
    • Explain the alloreactivity of T Cells 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 12
    Oct. 27-29
    Oct. 27-
    Quiz 3
    T-Cell Maturation, Activation, and Differentiation 
    • T-Cell Maturation 
    • TH-Cell Activation 
    • T-Cell Differentiation 
    • Peripheral gd T Cells 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 12, Lab Workbook Chapter 23 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms  

    Activities:  Chapter 23, pp 139-146, Lymphocyte Proliferation Assay 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Discuss the process of T-Cell Maturation, TH -Cell Activation, and Differentiation 
    • Explain the significance of T-Cell differentiation in the process of activation 
    • Describe the distribution and function of gd T Cells 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 13
    Nov. 3-5
    Nov. 3-
    Exam 2
    • Properties of Cytokines 
    • Cytokine Receptors 
    • Cytokine Antagonists 
    • Cytokine Secretion by TH1 and TH2 Subsets 
    • Cytokine-Related Diseases 
    • Therapeutic Uses of Cytokines and Their Receptors 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 13, Lab Workbook Chapter 2 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms 

    Activities: chapter 2; pp 13-18, Macrophage Assays and Cytokine release 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Explain the properties, structure, and function of Cytokines. 
    • Describe the structure, and subfamilies of Cytokine receptors. 
    • Define the differences in cytokine-secretion patterns and their role immune function modality. 
    • Discuss the therapeutic uses of cytokines or their receptors. 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 14
    Nov.  10-12
    The Complement System 
    • The Complement Components 
    • Complement Activation 
    • Regulation of the Complement System 
    • Biological Consequences of Complement Activation 
    • Complement Deficiencies 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 14, Lab Workbook Chapter 3 

    Assignments: None 

    Activities: Chapter 3, pp 19-22,Bactercidal Killing 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Compare and contrast the classical pathway and the alternative pathway of complement activation 
    • Describe the regulation of the complement system 
    • Understand the effector functions of various complement components 
    • Discuss the consequences of hereditary deficiencies in some components 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 15 Nov.  17-19
    Nov. 19-
    Quiz 4
    Leukocyte Migration and Inflammation 
    • Cell-Adhesion Molecules 
    • Neutrophil Extravasation 
    • Lymphocyte Extravasation 
    • Mediators of Inflammation 
    • The Inflammatory Process 
    • Anti-Inflammatory Agents 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 15 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms  

    Activities: POPS 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Describe the molecules and processes that play a role in leukocyte migration 
    • Identify and discuss the molecules that mediate inflammation 
    • Discuss the physiologic changes that accompany inflammatory responses 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 16
    Nov. 24
    Cell-Mediated and Humoral Effector Responses 
    • Effector Responses in the Cell-Mediated Branch 
    • Effector Responses in the Humoral Branch 
    • Regulation of the Immune Effector Response 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 16, Lab Workbook Chapter 25 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms  

    Activities:  Chapter 25, pp 149-152, Antibody-Mediated Cytolysis 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Describe specific and nonspecific cytotoxic effector mechanisms 
    • Explain the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response mediated by effector TH cells 
    • Compare and contrast the characteristics of the primary and secondary humoral response 
    • Explain the experimental assays of cytotoxic and humoral responses 
    • Discuss the regulation of immune effector responses 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Module 17 Dec. 1-3
    Dec. 3-
    Quiz 5
    Hypersensitive Reactions 
    • Cell and Coombs Classification 
    • IgE-Mediated (Type I)  Hypersensitivity 
    • Antibody-Mediated Cytotoxic (Type II) Hypersensitivity 
    • Immune Complex-Mediated (Type III) Hypersensitivity 
    • TDTH-Mediated (Type IV) Hypersensitivity 
    Readings: Kuby Chapter 17 

    Assignments: Matching/Definitions/Terms  

    Activities: POPS 

    This session will address the following learning outcomes: 
    • Discuss the mechanisms and consequences of the four primary types of hypersentive reactions. 
    • Identify the Cell and Coombs classification of hypersensitive reactions. 
    • Explain the principal mediators involved in the four primary types of hypersensitivity. 

    Session Topics
    Readings & Assignments
    Dec. 8
    Final Exam  



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