Schedule of Activities

PCB 4233C Immunology

Chapter 12  
Fill in the blank(s) in each statement with the most appropriate term(s) from the list. Terms may be used more than once or not at all. You can utilize your book or link to Resources for help.
Print this page and fill in  your answers--be prepared to discuss items in class. 
Protein phosphatase(s)  a. Fyn and ZAP-70 are _____________associated with the cyoplasmic domains of ____________ 
Protein kinase(s)  b. __________ is a T-cell membrane protein that has cytosolic domains with phosphatase activity. 
phospholipase(s)  c. Dendritic cells express ____________constitutively, whereas B cells must be activated before they express this membrane molecule. 
class I MHC  d. Calcineurin, a ____________, is involved in generating the active form of the transcription factor NF-AT. 
class II MHC  e. Activation of TH cells results in secretion of __________ and expression of its receptor, leading to proliferation and differentiation. 
IL-2  f. The co-stimulatory signal needed for complete TH-cell activation is triggered by interation of _________on the T cell and ____________ on the APC. 
CD8  g. Knockout mice lacing class I MHC molecules fail to produce thymocytes bearing ______________. 
CD4  h. Macrophages must be activated before they express __________ molecules and ____________ molecules. 
CD28  i. T cells bearing _____________ are absent from the lymph nodes of knockout mice lacking class II MHC molecules. 
CD45  j. PIP2 is split by a __________ to yield DAG and IP3
B7  In activated TH cells, DAG activates a ___________ which acts to generate the transcription factor NF-k

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