Schedule of Activities

PCB 4233C  Immunology


Dictionary of Cell Biology (http://www.mblab.gla.ac.uk/~julian/Dict.html)
Stumped by a biology term? Quickly search for the definition electronically at this website which not only has an extensive vocabulary, but also sports cross-referencing of terms. This is a free service from Academic Press, London based on their book version of the dictionary.

The Why Files(http://whyfiles.news.wisc.edu/index.html)
This academic website from the NSF-funded National Institute for Science Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is committed to illuminating the science behind the headlines. They address everything from comets to mad cows using clear language, an on-line glossary, accurate information, and attractive presentation. New additions to the site are added at 2 week intervals.

Eisenhower National Clearinghouse(http://www.enc.org/)
National Science Teacher's Association (NSTA) (http://www.nsta.org/)
Both of these sites are excellent starting points for teachers looking for interesting and useful websites.

Access Excellence(http://www.gene.com/ae/index.html)
This national education program sponsored by Genentech provides a network of high school biology teachers with access to scientists, scientific information and science teaching programs of merit.

Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology
This Michigan State University home of THE MICROBE ZOO, offers educational images and descriptions of microbes and their habitats. Sponsored in part by the National Science Foundation.

The MAD Scientist Network(http://www.madsci.org/)
Talk about questions, just send them here. This "collective crania of scientists" versed in disciplines from zoology to astrophysics, will ponder your query and post amazingly thoughtful answers. And if you don't have a question, it's a wonderful learning experience to just cruise through and see what others want to know. Nice idea and well done.

HMS Beagle(http://biomednet.com/hmsbeagle/)
To browse summaries of biological and medical research news appearing in the latest scientific journals flip through today's edition of the HMS Beagle. This site is updated daily with free access to registered users. Don't see what you are looking for? -- try your hand at MEDLINE searching available at this site with access to entries from thousands of journals from as far back as 1959 to the present.

Centers for Disease Control(http://www.cdc.gov/)
Peruse articles on bacterial, rickettsial, viral and parasitic disease. If you plan international travel, stop by and read about disease prevention and immunization first.

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