HSC 2577  Nutrition for Human Health and Wellness

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Lessons for the week of:

May 14
May 21
May 28
June 4
June 11
June 18
Students are expected to have read the assigned materials and be prepared to participate in class discussion and activities.
Date Activities/Readings & Assignments
Week of
May 14


Technology Orientation

Food Choices and Diet Planning Guides; Digestion, Absorption, and Transport

From the Instructor:

 Welcome from the Instructor
Readings :
  • Chapters 1, 2, & 3 of the required text
  • Technology Skills Orientation  (Optional if you have taken an Internet based course before, and know how to email attachments and use WebBoard.)
  • Quiz 1  Due by 9:00AM on Thursday, May 14 

      Click HERE for details of  quiz and case study deadlines
  • Case Study Due by 9:00AM on Thursday, May 14 
WebBoard Discussion(Post on the Webboard prior to Thursday at 9:00AM each week. Click HERE for details of WebBoard discussion.)

What do you think? (Click here to send your weekly feedback to the professor)

Are you ready?

Have you finished the orientation exercises??
If you have any questions...
For technical questions, please call 590-7500 or email tburkett@fgcu.edu or call 590-7100 if you need immediate response/help. 

For questions about syllabus, the content of the course, please contact Dr.Patterson

At the end of this session, students will be able to:
  1. Understand why people make their food choices
  2. Identify the six classes of nutrients
  3. Explain difference between research and anecdotal information
  4. Discuss Recommended Dietary Allowances
  5. List components of a nutritional assessment
  6. Identify nutrition experts
  7. List diet planning principles
  8. State the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
  9. Use the Food Guide Pyramid to plan diets
  10. Read a food label
  11. Describe the anatomy of the digestive tract
  12. Describe the muscular action of digestion
  13. Name the secretions of digestion and their actions
  14. Describe the anatomy of the absorptive system
  15. Discuss the roles of intestinal cells
  16. Compare the vascular and lymphatic circulatory systems
  17. Discuss the regulation of digestion and absorption 

Date Activities/Readings & Assignments
Week of
May 21



The Carbohydrates, The Lipids, And Protein

From the Instructor:

This week has a lot of material that may be new to you.  Read the chapters carefully before doing any of the assignments.  This is an excellent text and will be very helpful to you.  I highly recommend that you do not put off your assignments until Thursday morning.  You will need more time than that will allow.

Are you all doing okay with your computers?  Just think, when you have completed this week you are one-third of the way through the course!

Readings :

Chapters 4, 5, & 6 of the required text


  • Quiz 2  Due by 9:00AM on Thursday, May 24
WebBoard Discussion(Post on the Webboard prior to Thursday at 9:00AM each week. Click HERE for details of WebBoard discussion.)

What do you think? (Click here to send your weekly feedback to the professor)

If you have any questions...

For technical questions, please call 590-7500 or email tburkett@fgcu.edu or call 590-7100 if you need immediate response/help. 

For questions about syllabus, the content of the course, please contact Dr.Patterson

At the end of this session, students will be able to:
  1. Name and describe the two simple carbohydrates
  2. Name and describe the three complex carbohydrates
  3. Describe the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates
  4. Explain lactose intolerance
  5. Briefly discuss carbohydrate metabolism
  6. Describe and discuss the maintenance of blood glucose levels
  7. Discuss the health effects of sugar
  8. State the recommended intake of sugars
  9. Discuss the health effects of starches and fibers
  10. State the recommended intakes of starch and fiber
  11. Name the classifications of the lipid family
  12. Describe the difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
  13. Discuss fats in food
  14. List the roles of fat
  15. Name and discuss the essential fatty acids
  16. Describe phospholipids and their roles
  17. Describe sterols and their roles
  18. Describe the digestion, absorption and transport of lipids
  19. Discuss the use of fats by the body
  20. Name the health effects of lipids
  21. Name the recommended intakes of fats
  22. Describe the chemical make-up of amino acids
  23. Describe the chemical make-up of proteins
  24. Describe the digestion and absorption of protein
  25. Discuss protein synthesis
  26. List and discuss the roles of protein in the body
  27. Give a brief overview of protein metabolism
  28. Discuss protein quality and ways to measure that quality
  29. Discuss protein regulation for food labels
  30. Discuss the health effects of protein
  31. State the recommended intakes of protein
  32. Discuss protein and amino acid supplements 





Date Activities/Readings & Assignments
Week of
May 28



Metabolism: Transformations and Interactions; Energy Balance, Body Composition and Weight Control

Readings :

Chapters 7, 8 & 9


WebBoard Discussion
 Click HERE for details of WebBoard discussion.

What do you think? (Send your weekly feedback to the professor)

If you have any questions...

For technical questions, please call 590-7500 or email tburkett@fgcu.edu or call 590-7100 if you need immediate response/help. 

For questions about syllabus, the content of the course, please contact Dr.Patterson

At the end of this session, students will be able to:
  1. Describe chemical reactions in the body
  2. Describe the breakdown of glucose
  3. Describe the breakdown of glycerol and fatty acids
  4. Describe the breakdown of amino acids
  5. Discuss the economics of feasting
  6. Discuss the economics of fasting
  7. Define energy balance
  8. Describe energy in
  9. Describe energy out
  10. Define healthy body weight
  11. Discuss changing weight standards
  12. Discuss body fat and its relationship to health
  13. Discuss the causes of obesity
  14. List poor choices for obesity treatment and discuss why they are poor choices
  15. List and discuss the three components of sensible treatment for obesity
  16. Discuss problems and strategies for underweight individuals

Date Activities/Readings & Assignments
Week of 
June 4


The Water Soluble Vitamins: B Vitamins and Vitamin C; The Fat Soluble Vitamins: A, D, E, & K
Week 4 already?

Readings :

Chapters 10 & 11


WebBoard Discussion
 Click HERE for details of WebBoard discussion.

What do you think? (Send your weekly feedback to the professor)

If you have any questions...

For technical questions, please call 590-7500 or email tburkett@fgcu.edu or call 590-7100 if you need immediate response/help. 

For questions about syllabus, the content of the course, please contact Dr.Patterson

At the end of this session, students will be able to:
  1. State the nature of vitamins as a group
  2. List the eight B vitamins and state their roles in metabolism
  3. Discuss the interactions, deficiencies, toxicities an d food sources of the B vitamins
  4. List the roles of vitamin C
  5. Discuss the recommendation, deficiency, toxicity and food sources of vitamin C
  6. Discuss vitamin and mineral supplementation
  7. Discuss the roles of vitamin A and beta carotene
  8. Describe the health problems associated with vitamin A deficiency and toxicity
  9. Discuss vitamin A recommendations and sources
  10. Discuss the roles of vitamin D
  11. Describe the health problems associated with vitamin D deficiency and toxicity
  12. Discuss vitamin D recommendations and sources
  13. Discuss the roles of vitamin E
  14. Describe the health problems associated with vitamin E deficiency and toxicity
  15. Discuss vitamin E recommendations and sources
  16. Discuss the roles of vitamin K
  17. Describe the health problems associated with vitamin K deficiency and toxicity
  18. Discuss vitamin K recommendations and sources



Date Activities/Readings & Assignments
Week of
June 11



Water and the Major Minerals; The Trace Minerals

Readings :

Chapters 12 & 13



What do you think?

If you have any questions...

For technical questions, please call 590-7500 or email tburkett@fgcu.edu or call 590-7100 if you need immediate response/help. 

For questions about syllabus, the content of the course, please contact Dr.Patterson

At the end of this session, students will be able to:
  1. Discuss water and its relationship to blood pressure, fluid and electrolyte balance, and acid-base balance
  2. Discuss differences between vitamins and minerals
  3. Describe roles, recommendations and sources for the following minerals: 
    • Sodium
    • Chloride
    • Potassium
    • Calcium
    • Phosphorous
    • Magnesium
    • Sulfur
  4. Define a trace mineral
  5. Discuss iron and its roles, absorption, metabolism, deficiency, toxicity, and recommendation of intakes
  6. Discuss zinc and its roles, absorption, metabolism, deficiency, toxicity, and recommendations on intake
  7. Discuss body needs for: 
    • Iodine
    • Selenium
    • Copper
    • Manganese
    • Fluoride
    • Chromium
    • Molybdenum
    • Other trace minerals

Date Activities/Readings & Assignments
Week of
June 18



Fitness: Physical Activity, Nutrients, and Body Adaptations; Diet and Health; Consumer Concerns About Food and Water 

Readings :

Chapters 14, 18 & 19



What do you think?

If you have any questions...

For technical questions, please call 590-7500 or email tburkett@fgcu.edu or call 590-7100 if you need immediate response/help. 

For questions about syllabus, the content of the course, please contact Dr.Patterson

At the end of this session, students will be able to:
  1. Define fitness
  2. List the benefits of fitness
  3. List the components of fitness
  4. State the principles of conditioning
  5. State the benefits of aerobic and anaerobic conditioning
  6. Discuss the female athlete triad
  7. Discuss the energy systems of physical activity
  8. Discuss the use of glucose during physical activity
  9. Discuss the use of fat during physical activity
  10. Discuss the use of protein during physical activity
  11. Discuss the use of vitamins and minerals to support physical activity
  12. Discuss fluids and electrolytes to support physical activity
  13. Choose a diet to support fitness
  14. Relate diet to heart diseases and stroke
  15. Explain how atherosclerosis develops
  16. List the risk factors for cardiovascular disease
  17. Give recommendations for reducing risk of heart disease
  18. Discuss how hypertension develops
  19. Give recommendations for reducing hypertension risk
  20. Discuss how cancer develops
  21. List the risk factors for cancer
  22. Give recommendations for reducing cancer risk
  23. Discuss differences in IDDM and NIDDM diabetes
  24. Discuss complications of diabetes
  25. Give dietary recommendations for IDDM and NIDDM
  26. Indicate measures to reduce the risk of food-borne illness
  27. Give examples of environmental contaminants
  28. Discuss natural toxicants in foods
  29. Discuss the use of pesticides
  30. List regulations governing food additives
  31. List intentional food additives
  32. List indirect food additives
  33. List and discuss FDA approved hormones
  34. Discuss radiation
  35. Discuss food biotechnology
  36. List sources of drinking water
  37. List drinking water contaminants
  38. Discuss water systems and regulations



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