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Quiz 2 (May 21-27)

Quizzes are given throughout the semester for this course. The quizzes are mostly short-answer questions based on the your readings. The purpose of the quiz is to self-assess your knowledge and understanding of the content, not to cheat the instructor and yourself. When you start the quiz, please do not refer to your textbook. Finish as much as you can on your own without using a textbook and then finish the rest with the help of the textbook. If you can answer all the questions without using the textbook, you are excellent. If you can answer most questions, you are very good. Now after the quiz, you know what part you need to work on. If you can only answer less than half of the questions without referring to a text book, you are ok, but you need to read more carefully. If you can't answer any of the questions on the quiz without consulting the textbook, you need to re-read the chapter(s) and take the quiz a second time. Please be honest with yourself.

Due by 9:00AM on Thursday, May 24
  1. List the 3 monosaccharides and the 3 disaccharides.  Which monosaccharides make up each disaccharide?
  2. State the name of the chemical reaction that links 2 molecules together.
  3. State the name of the chemical reaction that splits 2 molecules apart.
  4. List the 3 complex carbohydrates important in nutrition and state where each is found.
  5. List the 2 hormones that are primarily responsible for the regulation of blood sugar.
  6. What is the recommended daily intake of carbohydrates expressed as a percent of total calories?
  7. List the 2 types of fiber (as classified by their solubility).  State at least 2 foods where each can be found.  What is the major health benefit of each of these 2 types of fiber?
  8. What are the 3 classifications of lipids?
  9. What is (are) the function(s) of each of these 3 lipids?
  10. What are the 2 essential fatty acids?
  11. What are the 4 lipoprotein “packages” for transporting fat?
  12. Which lipoprotein carries only dietary fat?
  13. Which lipoprotein is most responsible for the formation of plaque in the arteries?
  14. Which lipoprotein helps prevent the formation of plaque in the arteries?
  15. What is the recommended intake for fat, expressed as a percent of total daily calories?
  16. How many essential amino acids are there?
  17. What is it called when a protein loses its shape when their stability is disturbed by heat, acid, or vigorous stirring?
  18. Does eating extra protein help build muscle?  Explain.
  19. What is the RDA for healthy adults, expressed as grams per kilogram of body weight?  Figure your need for protein.
  20. Which two food groups in the Food Pyramid Guide contribute an abundance of high quality protein?
  21. What happens when amino acids are over supplied (high protein intake)?
  22. List at least 6 roles of proteins in the body.
  23. What determines the sequences of amino acids that make up the proteins in your body?

You may submit your assignment in one of two ways:

The first way is to do the assignment as a Word document and then attach the document to an e-mail. If you can't send email attachments, just send as part of your email message.

The second way is to send in your assignment via the Web. If you wish to send your quiz anwsers to your instructor via the Web, please use the following form:

Please fill in the following information:
Student's Name 

Student's Email address 



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