HSC 2577  Nutrition for Human Health and Wellness
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Due by 9:00AM on June 14

1. Your mother is nearing menopause and is concerned about her bones and osteoporosis.  What recommendations would you make?  What can she not undo?

2. A friend has been to the health food store and loaded up on a lot of supplements.  They share with you that they are taking a zinc supplement and an iron supplement in addition to their multi-vitamin mineral tablet.  Give them some advice about what they are doing and the possible consequences.  Let them know how to eat foods that will  provide these minerals.


Submit your assignment by e-mail to GPatter879@aol.com. First, do the assignment as a Word document and then attach the document to an e-mail.  If you have questions on how to send an attachment, refer to the Orientation Exercises linked to the first week of the course. Make sure you keep a copy of all assignments!

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