1. You are about to undertake an exercise program. Go through
the steps you will take, the types of programs you will undertake, days,
amount of time, level of exercise, etc. How will you measure your
2. Your aunt is overweight and has just found out that she has Type II diabetes. What are your recommendations to her? Counsel her on the consequences of not making these necessary lifestyle changes. 3. Several people that attended a church picnic had a stomach
upset and diarrhea the next day. Each one assumed they had “a 24
hour stomach virus”. What is a more likely explanation? Name
some of the possible culprits and what could have been done to avoid it.
Submit your assignment by e-mail to GPatter879@aol.com. First, do the assignment as a Word document and then attach the document to an e-mail. If you have questions on how to send an attachment, refer to the Orientation Exercises linked to the first week of the course. Make sure you keep a copy of all assignments! |