HSC 2577  Nutrition for Human Health and Wellness
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Due by 9:00AM on June 7

1.  Your grandmother has been feeling confused.  You are not ready to write her off as becoming senile.  Which of the water soluble vitamins could be contributing factors?  Look at her diet and make specific food recommendations.

2.  What kind of advice would you give to a friend who has a strong family history of heart disease and cancer.  What kinds of foods would you recommend and why? Remember what you have learned in other chapters, as well.


Submit your assignment by e-mail to GPatter879@aol.com. First, do the assignment as a Word document and then attach the document to an e-mail.  If you have questions on how to send an attachment, refer to the Orientation Exercises linked to the first week of the course. Make sure you keep a copy of all assignments!

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