HSC 2577  Nutrition for Human Health and Wellness
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Due by 9:00AM on May 31 

1.  Your mother is eating a very low fat diet but is not losing weight.  In fact, the past couple of weeks she has actually gained.  How are you going to explain this to her. 

2.   A co-worker is on yet another “diet”?  She has lost and gained several times since you met her, but is now heavier than ever.  She asks your opinion of this latest attempt.  What do you say?  Give her some good guidance.

Submit your assignment by e-mail to GPatter879@aol.com. First, do the assignment as a Word document and then attach the document to an e-mail.  If you have questions on how to send an attachment, refer to the Orientation Exercises linked to the first week of the course. Make sure you keep a copy of all assignments!

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