HSC 2577  Nutrition for Human Health and Wellness
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For purposes of this course the week begins on Monday at 12:01 a.m. and ends on Sunday at 12 midnight. In general, all assignments will be due by 9:00 Thursday of the week they are listed in the syllabus. 
Assignments & Due Date
Week 1
May 14-20
Module 1:
  • Technology Assessment/Introduction
  • Food Choices and Diet Planning Guides: Digestion, Absorption, and Transport
  • Technology Skills Orientation 
  • Orientation Exercises 
  • Recording for your Diet Analysis Project
  • Quiz 1
  • Case Study 1
  • WebBoard Discussion
Week 2
May 21-27
Module 2:
The Carbohydrates, The Lipids, And Protein
  • Quiz 2 
  • Case Studies
  • WebBoard Discussion
Week 3
May 28- June 3
Module 3: 
Metabolism: Transformations and Interactions; Energy Balance, Body Composition and Weight Control
  • Diet Critique 
  • Quiz 3
  • Case Studies
  • WebBoard Discussion
Week 4
June 4-10
Module 4: 
The Water Soluble Vitamins: B Vitamins and Vitamin C; The Fat Soluble Vitamins: A, D, E, & K
  • Quiz 4 
  • Case Studies 
  • WebBoard Discussion
Week 5
June 11-17
Module 5: 
Water and the Major Minerals; The Trace Minerals
  • Diet Analysis 
  • Quiz 5 
  • Case Studies 
  • WebBoard Discussion
Week 6
June 18-24
Module 6: 
Fitness: Physical Activity, Nutrients, and Body Adaptations; Diet and Health; Consumer Concerns About Food and Water 
  • Quiz 6 
  • Case Studies 
  • WebBoard Discussion
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