HSC 2577  Nutrition for Human Health and Wellness
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Orientation Assignment: Computer Skills

Task 1: Send your instructor an email with an attachment
  • a). Subject or title of the message should say "email assignment no. 1--your last name"
  • b). In the body of the message, say "email attachment -- week 1"
  • c). Attach a word document to the email message
  • d). The word document can include a short paragraph describing who you are and why are you taking this course.
If you need assistance on task 1, Click here for HELP .

Task 2: Post the url of a course-related web site and a brief description of the site on the WebBoard (under orientation assignment)

Steps in the assignment includes:

  • a). Find a search term or word (course related)
  • b). Search the Web
  • c). Examine the search results
  • d). Decide on a website (course related)
  • e). Write a brief description of the Website
  • f). Post your message (the descritpion and the url) to the WebBoard
If you need assistance on task 2, Click here for HELP.

Task 3: Finish the student information sheet


Email address: 

Phone No. 

What do you expect to learn from this course?

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