
Schedule/Assignments/DL Colloquium/Spring 2006

Session Schedule
CRN 10940

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Session 1: January 9 - 15

Introduction & Background

Sense of Place I - Your "Backyard" Field Trip

  • Reading: John Dewey, Chapters 1,2,3,5,8
  • Field Trip Summary 1: "Your "Backyard" (due January 16)
  • Paper 1 Educational Autobiography (due January 23)

(click for details)
Session 2: January 16 - 22

Sense of Place II - The "Water Cycle" Field Trip

  • Field Trip 2: The Water Cycle (due January 30)

Assignment: Field Trip 1, "Your Backyard" due January 16

(click for details)
Session 3: January 23 - 29

Sustainability I:  Introduction to Global Environmental Problems

  • "State of the World 2005" -Forward, xvii - xviii, Preface, xix - xxi, State of the World: A Year in Review, xxiii - xxvii, then ONE chapter of your choice to base your paper on

Assignment: Paper One, "Educational Autobiography" due January 23

(click for details)
Session 4: January 30 - February 5 February 2
- 8

Sustainability II:  Global Environmental Problems & Solutions

  • Continue reading "State of the World 2005" -Forward, xvii - xviii, Preface, xix - xxi, State of the World: A Year in Review, xxiii - xxvii, then ONE chapter of your choice to base your paper on
  • Internet reading, "Our Ecological Footprint"
  • Paper 2: "Selected Environmental Problem" (due February 13)

Assignment: Field Trip summary 2,"The Water Cycle" due January 30

(click for details)
Session 5: February 6 - 12 ebruary
9 - 15

Sense of Place III:  "A Question of Sustainability" Field Trip

  • Field Trip 3- An Estuarine Encounter (due February 27)
  • Continue in "State of the World 2005" -Forward, xvii - xviii, Preface, xix - xxi, State of the World: A Year in Review, xxiii - xxvii, then ONE chapter of your choice to base your paper on
  • Finish up Internet reading from Session 4

(click for details)
Session 6: February 13 - 19 February 16 - 22

Sustainability III: Community & Individual Sustainability

  • Aldo Leopold's A Sand County Almanac Part I, "A Sand County Almanac", pp. 3-98
  • NEW!!! David Orr lecture - Feb. 17 (Friday), 10:30a.m. FGCU's Sprint Room

Assignment: Paper 2 " Selected Environmental Problem" due February 13

(click for details)
Session 7: February 20 -26 February 2
3 - 29

Ecological Literacy I:  Ethics

  • Reading: David Orr's Ecological Literacy Chapter I, pp. 3-21 and Chapter V, pp. 85-95; A Sand County Almanac, Part IV "The Land Ethic", pp. 237-264
  • Paper 3: " Ethics & Economics" (due March 6)

(click for details)
Session 8:
February 27 - March 5 arch 1 - 7

Ecological Literacy II: Ethics and Economics

  • Reading:  Floridiana Book (due March 28)
  • Continue reading from Orr and Leopold / work on paper

Assignment: Field Trip Summary 3 "An Estuarine Encounter" due February 27th

(Assignment: Paper 3 " Ethics and Economics" March 6)


SPRING BREAK!! March 6 - 12

(click for details)
Session 9:
March 13 - 19 arch 15 - 21

Sense of Place IV:  "Urban Sustainability" Field Trip

  • Field Trip 4- Urban Sustainability (now due March 27- new date)
  • Ecological Literacy II
  • Reading: Floridiana Book

(click for details)
Session 10: March 20 - 26 arch 22 - 28

Ecological Literacy III: Ethics and Economics

  • Reading: Floridiana Book
  • Paper 4:  Relationship between people & environment- Floridiana Reading (due April 3- new date)

Assignment: Field Trip summary 4 "Urban Sustainability" due March 27 (new date)

(click for details)
Session 11: March 27 - April 2 arch 29 - April 4

Ecological Views of Indigeneous Peoples and Religious Perspectives

  • Internet Reading
  • Work on Final Project
  • Assignment: Paper 4 "Floridiana Book Summary" due April 3

March 28th ~ 6:00 P.M. ~ Alico Arena ~ Michail Gorbachev Lecture

(click for details)
Session 12:
April 3- 9

Environmental Education I

  • Reading: Earth Charter
  • Work on Final Project

(click for details)
Session 13:
April 10 -16

Environmental Education II

  • Reading:  David Orr's Ecological Literacy Chapters VI, pp. 97-108, pp. 133-140, and Chapter X, pp. 141-148
  • Paper 5:  "Education for Sustainability" (due April 24)

(click for details)
Session 14: April 17 - 23
Happy Earth Day!! April 22nd19 - April 26

Environmental Education III:  Problems & Promise for Sustainability

  • Work on Journal
  • Work on Final Project
  • Work on Paper 5: Education and Sustainability
  • Paper 5 due Monday, April 24 "Education for Sustainability"

FINAL PROJECTS DUE Week of April 17 - Monday, April 24 (deadline to receive it)

Week of April 17- Monday, April 24 (deadline to receive it)

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