Session 6/DL Colloquium/Spring 2006

Session 6: February 13 - 19February 16 -



"There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast
comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace."
-Aldo Leopold


NEW!!! David Orr lecture - Feb. 17 (Friday), 10:30a.m. FGCU's Sprint Room

I hope you can attend. David Orr barnstorms the country for the environment and is coming to FGCU's campus as the guest speaker for this year's Rachel Carson Distinguished Lecture Series. Every year, three or four dozen colleges and universities invite him to lecture, often as keynote speaker for conferences and symposia. Reporters covering global warming flip through their Rolodexes for his name. Several dozen journals have published his articles about biophilia, sustainability, and, as he described it to Jay Parini in the New York Times, "environmentalism [as] a question of ethical design." Two of Orr's books, Earth in Mind and Ecological Literacy, have sold more than 10,000 copies each--bestsellers, by the accounting of academic publishing. Meanwhile, back home in the parallel universe that is Oberlin College in Ohio, Orr chairs the Environmental Studies Program, teaches and advises students, and oversees the Adam Joseph Lewis Environmental Studies Center's evolution from charrette to groundbreaking. He raised most of the funds for the project, too.
We will be reading from Orr's book, "Ecological Literacy" in next week's Session 7.


Aldo Leopold's A Sand County Almanac, Part I, "A Sand County Almanac" pp. 3-98. A good read. I think and hope you'll find this reading pleasurable.


Continue to journal regularly. Decide what grade you would like for your journal and plan how often to do entries accordingly. Remember to take it on each field trip. 30 journal entries = A (completed with some effort).


Look at the syllabus/schedule and the assessment rubrics to consider how you are doing . . . are you moving toward achievement of the course goals? In what ways? If not, what should you do? Email me with questions and concerns.


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