Short Papers/DL Colloquium/Spring 2006


Paper # 1:  An Educational Autobiography
Paper # 2:  Overview of a selected Environmental Problem
Paper # 3:  Ethics and Economics
Paper # 4:  Relationship between people and environment in a Floridian reading

Paper # 5:  Education for Sustainability



Prior to receipt of an associate of arts degree from a public community college or university or prior to entry into the upper division of a public university, a student shall successfully complete the following:
* Twelve semester hours of English coursework in which the student is required to demonstrate writing skills. For purposes of this rule, an English course is defined as any semester-length course in the general study area of the humanities in which the student is required to produce written work of at least 6,000 words.
* A grade of C or higher is required for all Gordon Rule coursework.

FGCU has designated certain courses as "writing-intensive" for the purpose of meeting part one of this rule. Courses that count toward Gordon Rule writing requirements include a statement in their course descriptions to that effect. Students are strongly urged to complete ENC 1101 Composition I before attempting any additional writing-intensive courses.

Plagiarism: Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism.Ê All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers.Ê Use of the service is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use posted on the site.




Application (Written)
Presentation of Ideas

Creativity & Originality

  • Cites 4 or above  key concepts and supporting details from reading assignments 
  • 1 or more citations from other relevant readings
  • Demonstrates insights and understanding of the readings 
  • Identifies personal responsibilities with regard to application(s)


  • Communicates all ideas clearly 
  • Shows attention to the details of performance conventions (spelling, grammar, etc.) 

  • Demonstrates a perspective on the readings with considerable  creativity and originality
  • Cites 4 or above  key concepts and supporting details from reading assignments 
  •  No citations from other relevant readings
  •  Demonstrates insights and understanding of the readings
  • Communicates most ideas clearly
  • Presents minor mistakes in performance conventions  
  • Demonstrates a perspective on the readings with some creativity and originality 
  • Cites 2-3  key concepts and supporting details from reading assignments 
  • No citations from other relevant readings
  • Demonstrates little insights and understanding of the readings
  • Communicates some ideas clearly 
  • Presents minor mistakes in performance conventions
  • Demonstrates a perspective on the readings with little creativity and originality
  •  Cites 1  key concept and/or supporting details from reading assignments 
  • No citations from other relevant readings 
  • Demonstrates no insights and understanding of the readings
  • Does not communicate ideas clearly 
  • Pays insufficient attention to performance conventions
  • Demonstrates a perspective on the readings with little creativity and originality


You are expected to critically analyze the readings for this course, and attempt to search for personal relevance in the ideas presented. To assess the degree of your succes in achieving these objectives, you will be required to write several essays. These essay assignments are intended to help you organize your reactions to the readings and communicate the self-reflection that hopefully occurs.

Once you have gathered the information and your thoughts, write your paper. Submit it as an MSWord e-mail attachment.

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Florida Gulf Coast University

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