Session 1/DL Colloquium/Spring 2006

January 9 -15


Explore the website. Be sure to read the Introduction page and become familiar with the course information.

FIELD TRIP ONE: "Your Own Backyard"

Be sure to read the overview on field trips .

For this first session, go on an "experiential" (a favorite word of John Dewey) walk in your own "backyard". Take a walk in your neighborhood. Open your senses. Using your eyes, ears, nose, and sense of touch, describe to me what your local environment is like. Do you have a "sense of place" for your neighborhood? Do you feel connected? Do you notice the nonhuman members that you share your neighborhood with; what are their names, what are their roles?

In two to four pages, describe your field trip experience. (Review Field Trip Rubric and Field Trip page in Website.) Email this to by Monday, January 16.

Make a journal entry of your field trip experience (Review Journal page in the Website.)

READINGS: Begin reading John Dewey's, "Experience and Education", Chapters 1,2,3,5,8.

This first reading is perhaps the most difficult reading you will do all semester. If the writings seem redundant it is because the book is written as a series of essays. You may ask yourself, why do we need to read the philosophies of John Dewey? This, I believe, will become clearer to you as you progress through the course, especially with the field trips you will be going on.

WRITING: Paper #1, Experience and Education

Reflect upon your own education; both formal (schooling) and non-formal (scouting, church, family, experience). Think about education as it relates to the philosophy of experience of John Dewey. What have been the most important influences in your education? School? Church? Television and Internet? Who has shaped your education?

Write a brief reflective essay of three, double spaced pages on important educational events and/or ideas in your life. You may use examples but this is more than a recounting; it is an opportunity to consider your educational experience in light of reading John Dewey. Use specific citation's from Dewey's book, select which you can relate to in terms of your own educational experience. Connect his philisophical notions to examples from your experience. As a first writing assignment and a personal exploration, the essay will be graded pass/fail. This paper will help me get to know you as a writer and as a learner. All other papers will be graded on an A-F scale. (Please title all your papers.) Once you have gathered the information, write your paper. Submit your paper as an MSWord e-mail attachment by January 23. (All papers should be submitted to

You do not have to include a title page when sending me your papers, but a title of your own choosing plus the subtitle of the name of the paper that I have given it (example: paper #1: Experience and Education) should be typed somewhere on the top of the first page, along with your name. Make sure to include citings from your readings. If you directly quote from a book, it should be cited. Also, if you use the authors ideas, they also should be cited. A citing should be typed at the end of the sentence or paragraph and look like this: (Name of Book, p. 234). If you cite from an Internet site, include the website address at the end of the citing in parentheses.


  1. Go on a neighborhood field trip. Email a description of your experience (2 to 4 pages) by January 16.
  2. Read John Dewey.
  3. Write Paper 1. Email by January 23 .
  4. Make a journal entry of the field trip experience or other interesting observations.

Late paper policy:

I expect all papers and other assignments by midnight of each Monday that they are due. Please contact me prior to when the assignment is due if you will be late. Late papers will effect your grade.


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