







Session 7/DL Colloquium/Spring 2006

Session 7: February 20 - 26February 23 - 2ruary 23 - 2

"To teach appreciation is to guarantee protection."


Ecological Literacy I:  Ethics



Writing: Paper 3, Ethics & Economics

David Orr's and Aldo Leopold's books display a number of convergent or complementary ideas. One of the most important of these is the idea that the principles of "mainstream" economics as well as the assumption that "self-interest" and the desire for personal profit are humanity's principal motivations, hamper the developments of an environmentally sustainable ethic. In this regard, for example, Orr writes that "economic" man knows not limits of discipline, or obligation, or satiation, which may explain why the growth economy has no logical stopping point, and perhaps why good neighbors are becoming harder to find". (p. 9) Similarly Leopold writes that " a system of conservation based solely on economic self-interest is hopelessly lopsided. "(p. 251).

This writing assignment asks you to wrestle with some of the problems and paradoxes evident in these ideas. In approx. 4 pages, double-spaced, you should address the following concerns:

1) With respect to problems of environmental sustainability, what does Orr mean when he writes that "the prominence of the economy in the modern world, and that of growth economics in the conduct of public affairs explains, I think, a great deal of the propensity for social traps"? (p. 11) How does Leopold's discussion in the "Land Ethic" develop some very similar points? (roughly 1 1/2 to 2 pages).

2) Select from either Orr's discussion or Leopold's discussion one alternative to this economic approach that the author feels is essential to developing a more environmentally sustainable ethic, and summarize its essential points. (roughly 1 to 1 1/2 pages).

3) Evaluate the alternative that you summarized in #2 above, doing so on the basis of your personal convictions. Be sure to explain and defend your evaluation to the reader. (roughly one page).

Once you have gathered the information, write your paper. Submit your paper as an MSWord e-mail attachment by MARCH 6th .

Reminder: Field Trip Summary 3 due February 27th

 " A Question of Sustainability" (Estuary Field Trip)


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