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Now that we have solidly placed humans in the environment let's look back at how humans view the landscape and how they respond to it. Unlike our furry or feathered...
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1. christy.pdf Ralph Rapson, Architect



1. Read the introduction.

2. Write and post your Short Paper (See: Session objectives and student performance indicators below for for topics and instructions)

2. Discuss topic(s) selected by group moderator.

3. A-student exercise--Create a blueprint for a home that is energy efficient, utilizes renewable materials, and is attractive. Describe what makes it attractive to you . Scan the plan and post it to your website.

Webboard http://onyx.fgcu.edu/~154

Topic: Human Habitation and the Environment
Moderator of
Group One: Rita Gopher
Group Two: Amy Hilliard

Session Objectives and Student Performance Indicators:

  1. Foster analytical and systems thinking skills in order to recognize and solve problems through researching, analyzing, and exploring the historical development of human habitats
    1. In the short paper, demonstrate an understanding of
      1. How have native people throughout the world build houses? What natural material have people used to build their houses?

        What have people done over time to heat, cool, and protect their houses from wind, fire, enemies, animals, etc.?

        different disciplinary views on human buildings

        the history of human housing (What were the first homes like?)


      In the short pager, demonstrate an understanding of

      1. your disciplinary perspective on human habitation.
  2. Demonstrate community awareness

    1. Discuss topic(s) selected by group facilitator regarding issues concerning human housing and buildings on the webboard

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