The battle to feed all of humanity is
over. In the 1970s the world will undergo famines--hundreds
of millions of people are going to starve to death in spite
of any crash programs embarked upon now Paul Ehrlich in The Population Bomb
(1968:i) Resources:
2. harden.pdf
-- Birthrate declins since Milosevic's rule 3. mcilwa.pdf
-- Population shift in Australia--Urban migration. 4. Nevel.pdf
-- Traffic woes in denver. Denver Post
7-4-99:G1-G2. 5. Wann.pdf
Sense of community. Denver Post 7-4-99:G1-G2. Assignments: 2. Write and post your Short Paper (See:
Session objectives and student performance indicators
below for for topics and instructions). 3. Discuss topic(s) selected by group moderator. 4. A-student exercise--Research and gather data on
population density in the world and compare population
density among countries. List and chart five countries
that are most-heavily populated--how many people per
square mile. List and chart five countries with lowest
population density. Compare density not number of people
per country. Webboard
1. stipp.pdf
-- Population growth--Aging
1. Read the
Topic: Basic Resources
Moderator of
Group One: Marilyn Alexander
Group Two: Jennifer Story
Sessions: 1 | 2
| 3 | 4
| 5 | 6
| 7 | 8
| 9 | 10
| 11 | 12
| 13 | 14 | 15
| 16