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One issue regarding human recreation is the notion that hunting is harmful to maintenance of species. Ethical hunters are aware that there are limits to species if a particular animal is overhunted. Many ethical hunters are engaged in conservation efforts for many animal species and habitat--providing sustainable management of game and land to ensure hunting for generations to come. An ethical hunter is a sportsman who purchases licenses, hunts in season, hunts animals under the management of wildlife programs and biologists, shoots animals selectively and not just for killing. ...

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1. gray.pdf -- Ecotours

2. frey.pdf -- Tourism and the Rockies

3. husty.pdf -- Access to local beaches. FMNP aug. 1999.

4. Mtrain.pdf -- Moutn Rainier Park in decline because of tourists. FMNP Aug 14, 1999:3A.

5. Babcock Ranch


1. Read the introduction.

2. Field Trip to the Babcock Ranch (Saturday Oct. 30)

3. Write and post your Short Paper (See: Session objectives and student performance indicators below for for topics and instructions

4. Discuss topic(s) selected by group moderator.

Webboard http://onyx.fgcu.edu/~154

Topic: Human Recreation
Moderator of
Group One:Rita Gopher
Group Two: ____________

Session Objectives and Student Performance Indicators:

  1. Practice analytical and systems thinking skills in comparing the different types of recreational activities that involve use of the environment.

    In the reflection of the field trip demonstrate an understanding of issues involved in ecotourism, fishing, and hunting and an comparison of the preservation or destruction of the environment though recreational activities.

  2. Demonstrate community awareness

    Discuss the relative merits and limitations of ecotourism as seen at the Babcock Ranch. One person will facilitate the group.

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