One issue regarding human recreation is the notion that
hunting is harmful to maintenance of species. Ethical
hunters are aware that there are limits to species if a
particular animal is overhunted. Many ethical hunters are
engaged in conservation efforts for many animal species and
habitat--providing sustainable management of game and land
to ensure hunting for generations to come. An ethical hunter
is a sportsman who purchases licenses, hunts in season,
hunts animals under the management of wildlife programs and
biologists, shoots animals selectively and not just for
killing. ... Resources:
2. frey.pdf
-- Tourism and the Rockies 3. husty.pdf
-- Access to local beaches. FMNP aug. 1999. 4. Mtrain.pdf
-- Moutn Rainier Park in decline because of tourists.
FMNP Aug 14, 1999:3A. 5. Babcock
Ranch Assignments: 2. Field Trip to the Babcock Ranch (Saturday Oct.
30) 3. Write and post your Short Paper (See:
Session objectives and student performance indicators
below for for topics and instructions 4. Discuss topic(s) selected by group moderator. Webboard
1. gray.pdf
-- Ecotours Read the
Topic: Human Recreation
Moderator of
Group One:Rita Gopher
Group Two: ____________
Sessions: 1 | 2
| 3 | 4
| 5 | 6
| 7 | 8
| 9 | 10
| 11 | 12 | 13
| 14 | 15
| 16