Module Schedule

Quantitative Methods in Business

QMB 6603

Spring 2011

Week & Date

Module Number
and Content


Week 1:

10 Jan

Module 2: Forecasting, learning objectives

Module 2.1:

  • Introduction

Module 2.2:

  • Smoothing Methods


Module 2.3:

  • Trend Projection


Module 2.4:

  • Trend and Seasonal Components
  • Read Course Overview and this Schedule.  Become familiar with their content.
  • Scan Chap 1 in Mgt Scientist Manual and Load CD-ROM in PC. Mgt Scientist is included in the CD-ROM that comes with the textbook /or can be downloaded from the publisher’s website. A short tutorial can be accessed here.
  • Respond to Angel "Roll Call" Conference by 22 Jan by posting a brief introduction of you to the class.  The “Roll Call” Conference can be found under Lessons tab.

  • Read Main Module 2, Module 2.1-2.4 Notes, Chap 15 in Text, and Scan Chap 11 in Mgt Scientist Manual
  • Optional:  You may want to watch this short video on how to use The Mgt Scientist in forecasting.
  • Case 1 Assigned: "Forecasting Lost Sales" – Chapter 15.  Due Jan 24.

Note: submit case assigned in one Excel file or cut and paste the output of the management scientist into MS Word.


Week 2:

17 Jan

Module 2: Continued

  • Optional: submit draft of Case 1 not later than 19 Jan for free feedback.
  • Optional: Review PowerPoint slides related to chapter 15:



  • Complete and submit Case 1 no later than Jan 24 at 11 PM.

Week 3:

24 Jan

Module 1: Decision Analysis, learning objectives

o   Introduction to Quantitative Analysis



    • Structuring the Decision Problem


·         Module 1.3:

    • Decision Making without Probabilities
  • Read Main Module 1, Module 1.1-1.5 Notes.  Read Chap 13 in Text, and Scan Chap 11 in Mgt Scientist Manual
  • Download: Case 2. Due 7 Feb.


  • Optional:  watch a short video on how to use the Mgt Scientist and Excel in decision analysis:


a)      Dec_Analysis_w_Excel

b)      Dec_Analysis_w_MS

c)      Excel_spreadsheet_example



Week 4:

31 Jan

Module 1: Continued

    • Decision Making with Probabilities

·         Module 1.5:


o   The Value of Information


o   Read and finish Chap 13 in Text

  • Optional: submit draft of Case 2 not later than 1 Feb for free feedback.
  • Optional: Review PowerPoint slides related to chapter 13:


  • Complete and submit Case 2 not later than 7 Feb, 11 PM.

Week 5:

7 Feb

Module 3: Waiting Line Models

Module 3.1:

  • Structure of Waiting Line System

Module 3.2:

  • Single Channel Single Server

Module 3.3:

  • Other Waiting Line Models


  • Read Module 3.1-3.3 Notes, Chap 14 in Text, and Scan Chap 10 in Mgt Scientist Manual.
  • Download: Case 3  Due 21 Feb
  • Optional: 
    1. Work through a line management problem and instructional video: problem 14


    1. Download power point presentation here


Week 6:

14 Feb

Module 3: Continued

  • Optional: submit draft of Case 3 not later than 14 Feb for free instructor feedback.
  • Complete and submit Case 3 no later than 21 Feb, 11 PM. 

Week 7:

21 Feb

Module 4: Simulation

Module 4.1:

·         Simulation and Random Numbers

Module 4.2:

·            Risk Analysis

  • Read Module 4 Notes, Chap 12 in Text, and Scan Appendix 12.1 for Simulation with Excel.
  • Download: Case 4  Due 3 Mar
  • Optional: submit draft of Case 4 no later than Feb 25 for free instructor feedback.

Week 8:

28 Feb

Module 5: Linear Programming

Module 5.1:

  • Problem Formulation


Module 5.2:

·     Computer Solution and Interpretation


Module 5.3:

  • Applications
  • Complete and submit Case 4 not later than 3 Mar, 11 PM. 


  • Read Main Module 5, Module 5.1-5.3 Notes, Chap 2, Chap 3, Scan Chap 4, and Scan Chap 2 in Mgt Scientist Manual



  •  Optional:  You may want to watch this short LP-video on how to use The Mgt Scientist in linear programming. Also, use the following videos on how to interpret the solution to LP problems

      -Part 1

     -Part 2


  • Download: Case 5, Due 21 Mar

Week 9:

7 Mar

  • Spring break

·         Spring break

Week 10:

14 Mar

Module 5: Continued

  • Optional: submit draft of Case 5 not later than 15 Mar for free feedback.
  • Complete and submit Case 5 not later than 21 Mar, 11 PM
  • Submit via email: team information and project proposal / definition by Friday 18 Mar
  • Check this LINK to see project requirements

Week 11:

21 Mar

Module 6: Transportation and Network Models

Module 6.1:

  • Transportation Problem

Module 6.2:

  • Transshipment Problem
  • Read Main Module 6, Module 6.2 – 6.2 Notes, Chap 6, and Scan Chap 3 in Mgt Scientist

Week 12:

28 Mar

Module 6: Continued

  • Optional: submit draft of Case 6 not later than 29 Mar for free feedback.
  • Complete and submit Case 6 not later than 4 Apr, 11 PM.

Week 13:

4 Apr

Module 7: Project Scheduling and Network Analysis

Module 7.1:

  • Project Scheduling

Module 7.2:

  • Uncertain Activity Times

Module 7.3:

  • Time-Cost Trade-offs
  • Read Main Module 7, Module 7.1-7.3 Notes, Chap 9 in Text, and Scan Chap 8 in Mgt Scientist Manual
  • Download Case 7: Due 18 Apr
  • Submit draft of project for review by Apr 5.

Week 14:

11 Apr

Module 7: Continued

  • Optional: submit draft of Case 7 not later than 12 Apr for free feedback.
  • Complete and submit Case 7 no later than 18 Apr, 11 PM.  

Week 15:

18 Apr

Module 8: Integer Programming

Module 8.1

  • Capital Budgeting/ Project Selection Problem Formulation

Module 8.2

  • Computer Solution and Interpretation

Module 8.3

  • "Textbook Publishing" Case
  • Read Module 8.1-8.3 Notes, Chap 7 (Sections 7.1, 7.3, 7.4), and Scan Chap 4 in Mgt Scientist Manual
  • Read case "Textbook Publishing," pp. 359 of the text (Not assigned for grading): will be worked in Module Notes 8.3)
  • Submit final project for review and grade by Friday 22 Apr

Week 16:

25 Apr

Final Exam

   Due 27 April


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