Main Module Six
Distribution and Network Problems


Learning Objectives

At the end of the module, the student will:

Be able to identify special features of transportation and transshipment problems.

Become familiar with the types of problems that can be solved by applying a transportation linear programming formulation.

Be able to formulate a linear program for transportation and transshipment problems.

Understand how to accommodate unequal supply and demand conditions as well as unacceptable routes, capacitated routes, or capacitated transshipment points.

Know how to interpret the computer output of linear programming transportation and transshipment problems.

Be able to interpret the sensitivity analysis of the computer output of transportation and transshipment linear programming problems.



Introduction to Management Science, 11th edition, by Bernard W. Taylor III.  Pearson – Prentice Hall.

Chap 6

Transportation and Transshipment  Problems






The following topics are included in summary notes for Module Three.

Module 6.1 Notes: Transportation Problem

Module 6.2 Note: Transshipment Problem