FGCU Science Faculty: This is an overview of the FGCU faculty research interests. In some cases, there are links to more detailed web pages. Another place to find out more about a faculty member is to look for them from the Faculty button on the Department pages.
Please review these summaries and browse faculty members' page(s) and learn what you can!
You should be looking carefully at their research interests. Once you find faculty members of interest try a google scholar search to examine the evolution and diversity of their publication record.
Faculty |
Degree(s) |
Teaching and Research Focus |
Phil Allman

- B.S. Marine Biology, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
- M.S. Biology, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Ph.D. Biology, Ohio University
- Evolution of life-history traits and consequences on population dynamics
- Energetics of maternal investment and offspring fitness
- Consequences of habitat alteration on reproductive success of oviparous vertebrates
- Recovery strategies for endangered species and community-based conservation efforts
- Impacts of non-native invasive organisms on the native fauna
Jose Barreto |

Curriculum vitae |
- B.S. Chemistry, University of South Florida
- M.S. Chemistry, University of South Florida
- Ph.D. Biochemistry, University of Texas Medical Schoo
- Oxidants and radicals in a biological context
- Photocatalytic decontamination
- Green biocidal technologies
Brian Bovard |

Curriculum vitae |
- Ph.D. Plant Physiological Ecology
- Duke University
- Determining plant contributions to ecosystem water loss in South Florida wetlands
- Physiological plant ecology
- Plant/ecosystem responses to climate change
- Restoration ecology
- Use of stable isotopes in biosphere/atmosphere research
David Brown |
- B.S. Medical Technology, Brigham Young University
- Ph.D. Biochemistry and Biophysics, Oregon State University
- Clinical molecular biology
- DNA damage and repair
- Chromatin structure and gene expression
- Molecular mechanisms of oxidative damage
Mary Kay Cassani |
- M.S. Biology, Central Michigan University
- Ed.D. Curriculum and Instruction, University of Central Florida
- Science education and teacher training
- Self efficacy in science
- Teaching methods in science
- Environmental education
- Soil ecology
- Ecosystem disturbance
- Melaleuca ecology
David Ceilley |
- B.A. Biology, University of Northern Iowa
- M.S. Aquatic Ecology, University of Florida
- Restoration Ecology
- Limnology
- Fishes, amphibians and aquatic macroinvertebrates
- Wetlands Ecolog
Ju Chou |
- Ph.D. Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, P. R. China
- Photocatalytic decontamination
- Toxic Metal Analysis
- Environmental Analysis
- Nanomaterials
- Electrochemical Sensor
Susan Cooper |
- B.S. in Chemistry, Stetson University,
- M.A. Science Education, University of South Florida
- Ed.D. Curriculum & Instruction, University of Central Florida
- Science Education
- Reading in Science
- Inquiry Teaching
Peter Corcoran |
- Ed.D. Science and Environmental Education, University of Maine
- Education for sustainability
- Environmental ethics and philosophy
- International environmental education
- Philosophy of education and ecopedagogy
- Environmental literature
- Sustainability in higher education
Joshua Costin |
- B.S. in Biology, Florida State University
- B.S. in Psychology, Florida State University
- Ph.D. in Microbiology & Immunology, Tulane University
- Viral entry
- Drug discovery and design
- Vaccine development
- Biothreat detection
Randy Cross |
- Ph.D. Biology, UNC Chapel Hill
- Effects of disturbance on community structure and dynamics in coastal ecosystems
- Bottom-up and top-down controls on estuarine communities
- Environmental impacts on coastal wetlands and marine benthic systems
Sulekha ( Sue) Rao Coticone |
- M.S. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) New Delhi, India
- Ph.D. University of Minnesota, MN
- Post Doc: University of California, Berkeley, CA
- Forensic chemistry and biochemistry
- New and improved methods to detect trace evidence (such as biological fluids, DNA, illicit drugs etc) obtained from crime scenes and mass disasters
- improved methods in the preservation and analysis of DNA
Joe Cudjoe |
- Ph.D. Urban and Regional Planning, Florida State University
- Environmental and land use planning
- Growth management and comprehensive planning
Marilyn Cruz-Alvarez |
- B.S. Chemistry, Universidad Computense de Madrid, Spain
- M.S. Biochemistry, Universidad Computense de Madrid, Spain
- Ph.D. Cellular and Molecular Biology, New York University
- Molecular mechanisms of flowering
- Manipulation of plant development by genetic
Kevin Davies |
- BS Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh
- Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh
- Photoinitiated reactions
- Imaging agents for biomedical imaging
Nora Demers |
- B.S. Life Sciences, University of Missouri at Rolla
- M.S. Zoology, Oregon State University
- Ph.D. Zoology, Oregon State University
- Water quality, stormwater management
- Teaching and Learning science using models
- Effects of stress on organisms
- Gopher tortoise (habitat, population, genetics and relocation)
Terry Dubetz |
- A.A.S. Medical Laboratory Technician, Macomb Community College
- B.S. Chemistry, Oakland University
- Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Alberta
- Method development for the analysis of Triclosan in natural water systems
- Teaching methods and pedagogy in chemistry and physical sciences
Tim Durham |
- D.P.M. Interdisciplinary Agriculture (Plant Medicine), University of Florida
- P.G. Dip. Applied Science, Lincoln University (New Zealand)
- B.S. Plant Sciences, Cornell University
- A.A.S. Horticulture, Suffolk County Community College
- Agricultural biotechnology
- Agricultural biosecurity
- Agricultural ecology and sustainable agriculture
- Entomology
- Plant pathology
- Weed science
- Soil science
- Crop nutrition and nutrient management
- Biocontrol
- Plant/plant, plant/pathogen, and plant/arthropod interactions
- Applied research trials and return on investment (ROI) analysis
- Efficacy of reduced risk and microbial pesticides
- Variety trials
L. Donald
(Don) Duke |

Curriculum vitae |
- B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
- B.A., English, , University of Pennsylvania
- M.S., Civil Engineering, Stanford University
- Ph.D., Civil Engineering (Resources Planning), Stanford University
- Application of science to environmental policy decision-making
- Effectiveness assessment for environmental policies
- Origin, transport, fate, and effects of pollutants in aquatic systems
- Watershed management
- Water quality policy
Alison Elgart |
- Ph.D. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University
- B.A. Anthropology, SUNY Binghamton Universit
- Human and primate evolution and adaptation
- Human osteology
- Bioarchaeology of southern Florida Indians
Rob Erdman |
- B.A. Biology and Environmental Science, Millersville University
- M.S. Marine Science, University of South Florida
- Ph.D. Marine Science, University of South Florida
- Marine invertebrate ecology
- Invertebrate physiological ecology
- Benthic ecology
Win Everham |
- Ph.D. Environmental and Forest Biology, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
- Forest ecology
- Systems ecology
- Tropical and subtropical ecosystems
Michael Fauerbach |
- Ph.D. Nuclear Physics, Michigan State University
- Nuclei far from stability
- Near-earth asteroids
John Fitch |

RETIRED 2010 |
- B.A. Zoology and Anthropology, University of Kansas
- M.S. Zoology, Michigan State University
- Ph.D. Zoology, Michigan State University
- Sustainability
- Behavioral ecology
- Vertebrate ecology
- Ecosystem conservation strategies
David Fugate |
- B.S., Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- M.S. Marine Science, College of William and Mary
- Ph.D. Marine Science, College of William and Mary
- Sediment transport
- Estuarine hydrodynamics
David Green |
- B.S. Marine Science and Biology, University of Miami M.S.
- Biological Sciences, Florida International University
- Aquatic ecology
- Everglades freshwater and oligohaline zone fish communities
- Stable isotopes and food web ecology
Anna Goebel |
- B.S. Chemistry, Abilene Christian University
- M.S. Biology, University of Texas at Arlington
- Ph.D. Environmental, Population and Organismal Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Molecular approaches to population genetics, evolution and conservation
Charles (Billy) Gunnels |

Curriculum vitae |
- B.S. Biology, Skidmore College
- M.S. Biology, Utah State University
- Ph.D. Zoology, University of Florida
- Behavioral ecology of invertebrates and vertebrates
- Evolution of social organisms
- Sexual selection
- Conservation biology
Anne Hartley |

Curriculum vitae |
- B.A. Economics, Smith College
- M.E.S. Geographic Information Systems, Yale University
- Ph.D. Biogeochemistry, Duke University
- Trace gas emissions from managed soils
- Plant-nutrient interactions
- GIS applications
Sharon Isern |
- B.S. Chemical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
- Ph.D. Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Viral entry pathways
- Drug delivery systems
- Virus entry inhibitors
- Vaccine development
Bette Jackson |
- Ph.D. Biology, Mississippi State University
- behavioral ecology
- endangered species
Jerry Jackson |
- B.S. Zoology, Iowa State University
- Ph.D. Zoology, University of Kansas
- Behavioral ecology of vertebrates, especially endangered species
- Niche dynamics of birds
- Problems with birds at airports
- Climbing behavior of rat snakes
- History of science in these areas
Joe Kakareka |
- B.S. Organic Chemistry, University of Scranton
- M.S. Organic, Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Texas A&M University, Bonham
- Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry, Tufts University
- Isolation of natural compounds, natural products, analytical environmental chemistry
Daniel Kern |
- B.S. Mathematics, College of William and Mary
- M.S. Applied Mathematics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
- Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Mathematical modeling
- Optimal control theory with systems of differential equations
- Population dynamics models, especially with invasive species
- Cancer development and treatment
Ai Ning Loh |
- Ph.D. Marine Science, College of William and Mary
- Natural organic matter
- Isotope geochemistry
- Nutrient cycling
Mike LaGier |
- Ph.D. Microbiology, University at Albany
- Microbial Pathogenesis
- Virulence Factors
- Microbial Genomics
Jamie MacDonald |
Curriculum vitae |
- Ph.D. Geology, University at Albany
- Tectonics
- Igneous and sedimentary geochemistry
Michael McDonald |
- Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh
- Small scale farming and foodways
- Outcomes-based education
Scott Michael |

Curriculum vitae |
B.S. Chemistry and Biology, Cornell College
Ph.D. Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University
- Molecular virology of HIV/SIV, dengue, and West Nile
- Amphibian ecology, evolution and extinction
Gregory McManus |
- B.S. Chemistry, University of Prince Edward Island
- Ph.D. Chemistry, University of South Florida
• organic/inorganic solid-state chemistry
• supramolecular chemistry
• crystal engineering
• metal-organic materials
• pharmaceutical co-crystals
• x-ray crystallography |
Angela Osterman Meyer |
- M.S. Physics, Georgia State University
- Ph.D. Astronomy, Georgia State University
- Observational studies of active galaxies
Michael Parsons |

Curriculum vitae |
- B.S. Biology-Geology, University of Rochester, NY
- Ph.D. Biological Oceanography, Louisiana State University
- Phytoplankton ecology
- Harmful algal blooms
- Coral reef ecology
John Reilly |

Curriculum vitae |
- B.E. Chemical Engineering
- PhD Chemical Engineering
- photochemistry/photobiology
- skin-chemical interactions
- photo-reactivity of psoralen
Cliff Renk |
- B.S. Microbiology and Biophysics, University of Pittsburgh
- Ph.D. Microbiology and Immunology, University of Florida
- Use of real-time PCR to identify bacteria and fungi
Martha Rosenthal |
- B.A. Biology, University of Virginia
- M.S. Neuropharmacology, Brown University
- Ph.D. Neuroscience (Sleep Research), UCLA
- Human sexuality, drugs and behavior
- Human physiology
- Neuroscience
Darren Rumbold |
- B.A. Chemistry, Florida Atlantic University
- B.S. Biological Science, Florida Atlantic University
- M.S. Biological Science, Florida Atlantic University
- Ph.D., Marine Biology and Fisheries, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami
- Landscape ecotoxicology and risk assessment
- Transport, fate and effects of methylmercury in South Florida freshwater and marine systems
William Sanders |
- B.S. Biology, Cornell University
- Ph.D. Botany, University of California, Berkeley
- Development of form in plants and plant organs, relationship of form to function, plant organization and diversity
- Symbiosis of plants and fungi
- Growth and development of lichens, life cycles of lichen symbionts
Michael Savarese |

Curriculum vitae |
- Ph.D. Geology, University of California, Davis
- Functional morphology
- Physiological ecology
- Estuarine restoration ecology
- Sedimentology and stratigraphy
- Paleoenvironmental reconstruction
- History of coastal environmental change and effects of sea-level rise
Elena Stepanova |
Ph.D. Social and Personality Psychology, Washington University in Saint Louis
A.M. Social and Personality Psychology, Washington University in Saint Louis
B.A. Psychology, La Sierra University
Effects of alcohol cues on social judgments
Social categorization
Prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination
Implicit and explicit ethnic and racial attitudes
Conceptualization of race in priming measures
Jaffar Ali Shahul Hameed |
- M.Sc. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
- Ph.D. Mississippi State University, MS.
- Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
- Mathematical Biology
Serge Thomas |
- Ph.D. Marine Sciences, University Paris VI, France
- Tropical limnology, marine and wetland ecology
- Micro and macrophyte primary production
- Shallow hydrosystem eutrophication & phytoremediation
- Early bio-indicators of pollution (primary producers: algae, macroalgae, macrophytes)
- Urban lake management
- Ecological modeling
Gregory Tolley |

Curriculum vitae |
- B.S. Zoology, Marshall University
- Ph.D. Marine Science, University of South Florida
- Oyster reef ecology
- Fish physiological ecology
Takashi Ueda |

Curriculum vitae
- B.S. Biology, Northeastern University
- M.S. Biology, University of Massachusetts
- Ph.D. Biology, Yale University
- Plant seed development
- Genetic engineering of plant seeds
- Desiccation tolerance in plants
- Novel drug discovery from plants
Aswani Volety |

Curriculum vitae |
- B.S. Zoology, Andhra University, India
- M.S. Zoology, Andhra University, India
- Ph.D. Marine Science, College of William and Mary
- Biochemical, physiological, and ecological responses of shellfish
- Immunotoxicity
- Habitat restoration and adaptive management
- Effects on contaminants on marine organisms
- Host-parasite interactions
Ken Watanabe |

- B.S. Physics, Tohoku University
- Ph.D. Astrophysics, Clemson University
- Post-doc, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Gamma-ray astrophysics
Andrew Wilkinson |
- B.S. in Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, University of Western, Ontario
- M.S. in Chemical and Environmental Toxicology, University of Ottawa
- Distribution of persistent organic pollutants in the Rocky Mountains
- Comparing air-water gas exchange of semi-volatile pollutants in high altitude vs. low altitude lakes
- Environmental education
Neil Wilkinson |
- M.S. Educational Leadership, University of South Florida
- Global sustainability initiatives
- Environmental health education: pesticides, infectious diseases
JoAnn Wilson |
- Ph.D. Biomedical Genetics, Colorado State University
- Development and clinical trials, of DNA assays of oral pathogens using human patient models
Terry Wimberley |

Curriculum vitae |
- Ph.D. Public Policy: Health and Environment, University of Pittsburgh
- Environmental policy
- Environmental health, epidemiology and risk assessment
- Environmental ethics
Sasha Wohlpart |

Curriculum vitae |
- B.S. Geology, East Carolina University
- M.S. Environmental Science, Florida Gulf Coast University
- Paleo-ecology
- Paleo-environmental reconstruction
- Environmental education
- Sustainability initiatives