MLS 4506C Clinical Immunology
The course integrates basic and clinical immunology featuring clinical presentation, immunopathological features, diagnosis, and treatment of immunologically related diseases. Laboratories include procedures and diagnostic techniques utilized in a clinical immunology laboratory. This is an intensive course with high expectations from the students. Lectures are presented and active student participation is encouraged and expected. Lecture notes and presentations are available on the internet which the students have access to. Case studies are presented and students are required to produce a research paper and make a class presentation. 

My research interest in immunology is in the area of T cell antigen binding molecules (TABM). TABM may be implicated in many inflammatory processes such as, inflammatory bowel syndromes, allergic reactions to chemicals such as benzene etc. TABM may also play a part in acute coronary artery syndrome. 

Clinical Immunology Syllabus
Autoimmune Diseases

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Office: WH 252
Office Hours: 
Tuesdays/Thursdays 10:00am-1:00pm
and by Appointment
