Class Sessions


Text Reading | Video AssignmentDiscussion Questions


Session 12: Climate Change & Global Governance


Reading Assignment: 

Michael Epstein (2009) "Bringing Climate Change into Global Governance" Michael Zimmerman (2002) "Ecofacism" Alex Foti (2009) "Climate Anarchists vs Green Capitalists;" Michael Rivlin (2002) "When Hate Goes Green."

Video Assignment :

Global Warming or Global GovernancePresident Vaclav Klaus: Climate Change & Freedom

NOTE: Readings and viewing videos must be completed prior to the weekly class meeting. Answers to the discussion questions must be posted to the drop box in ANGEL corresponding to this session number by no later than 5 p.m. on the last day of the class session (see course schedule). All work must include questions followed by your answers and must be in either Word or rich text format.

  Discussion Questions:

Please answer the assigned questions - even if it means doing a bit of web research to do so - and put the numbered questions followed by your answers into a Word or rich text format document and attach it to the drop box corresponding to the number of this class session.

Please select ten questions to answer between questions 1-19. Remember you are required to know the answers to each and every one of these questions for the Comprehensive Exam!

1.   What is it about “deep ecological ethics” that renders it “post-secular”? Please explain your answer.

2.   Explain how post-secularism has a “powerful grip” on the American mindset.

3.   What is an “eco-centric” spirituality and how does it differ from religious spirituality?

4.   What is a “materialist sense of place?

5.   Describe the financial architecture appropriate to the new global challenges according to Epstein.

6.   Describe what the Stern Report entails.

7.   How was eco-fascism related to events during the era of German National Socialism?

8.   What is the perspective of communists on natural resources according to Zimmerman?

9.   Describe a non-fascist ecosophy.

10. What is the anti-immigration position in the article When Hate Goes Green?

11. What is the importance of this statement in regard to today’s environmentalism? “Fascism/Nazism is a surprisingly plastic fundamentalism, willing to change ideological clothes to gain support and win power for a core philosophy.”

12. How is “Green the new Red” and how does this relate to the “class struggle?”

13. Arguably, one of the central tenets of Global Warming or Global Governance is that global warming advocates utilize media hysteria to distract people away from realizing that they are losing their rights, as well as serving as an excuse to increase taxes and restrict citizen freedoms? Do you agree or disagree with this assertion? Explain your answer.

14. Are you convinced that anthropogenic global warming is a pressing problem? Explain the rationale for your answer.

15. What is the New World Order that the film alludes to? (Research this question and answer it.)

16. The film provides many examples of political elites having deceptive agendas of dissolving the sovereignty of nations including the United States, through setting up treaties which erode personal freedoms, national security, and land ownership among many other rights. Do you see this as a purposeful agenda to realize a New World Order or as a necessary byproduct of dealing with climate change? Please explain.

17. According to the film, the media and political groups such as the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) commonly distort issues concerning global warming by continually stating that it is a "settled science" and there is no longer any reason to debate, even though it has been demonstrated that a sizeable proportion of climate scientists are doubtful of man's role in global warming and do not believe that the science is sound enough for formulating policy decisions. How would you explain the assertion of such unanimity of opinion in the face of so many vocal dissenters?

18. At the recent meeting on climate change in Copenhagen (2020) the consensus process regarding global warming was so firmly planted that at the opening day of the conference that there was consensus already formed, without suitable opportunity for debate. Essentially the agenda had been set beforehand and delegates come to the table to find what their working orders are. What are the risks of such consensus if indeed there is a sizeable group of scientists who dissent regard AGW?

19. Summarize President Vaclav Kaus's rationale for how environmentalism and climate change can serve to restrict individual liberty and freedom.



Class Sessions

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Session 13

Session 14