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MAT 1033 / MAT 1105 / MGF 1106:
Attendance is a requirement to get good grades in these courses. Be on time in classPunctuality is another key for success. Tardiness disrupt the Teaching / Learning process.

MAT 1033 (Intermediate Algebra) Homework: Do exercises at the end of each section. Return to me those exercises for extra credit.

MAT 1105 (College Algebra) Homework: Do exercises in each Chapter sections according to your Math Lab Instructor specifications.
MGF 1106 (Math for Liberal Arts I) Homework: Do as many exercises as you can from each section in Chapter 1. From the next chapters, do the odd numbers. I also suggest to work on the exercises requiring a graphic calculator. You can find help in using a graphic calculator in my website last page: "In depth..." Assignments and information on chapter topics and Tests will be emailed periodically. Check you email frequently.

Student Resources:  The Center for Academic Achievement will be grateful to help you in getting Supplemental Instruction for your course. Use Tutoring help, library resources and Computer Labs to reinforce the knowledge for success.
Don't let the numbers win! Defeat them!
Homework Assignment: Be sure to check your syllabus for the corresponding assignments of the lesson taught during the class session. Also, at the end of the class follow Professor's announcements on any other new assignment or a modification of the homework in the syllabus.

Math Tests and Exams: Click here to take Math Review Tests.

Need some help with this week's assignment? Check out the "Tips and Hints" page.