Professor Tony Planas



Greetings,  I'm Professor Tony Planas at FGCU, Fort Myers.  I will be your Math professor for this term and I will be happy to help you during the course. I hope you'll find your Mathematics class interesting as well as informative, educative and knowledgeable. I expect every one to be in class each meeting and on time, maintain discipline, respect each other and your school. In general, keep a clean atmosphere conductive to an excellent learning environment.

 Prepare yourself for the New Millennium that has just began. Study and get good grades!
Well, as all of you know Mathematics is a very interesting and important subject (sometimes hated by someone (?)). Through this course I'll provide the necessary resources and tools to successfully
accomplish your goal to learn and improve Mathematics knowledge.
I have a wide experience teaching Mathematics at different levels, first as a Middle School teacher and later at College/University levels. 
I have a great passion for Math and numbers. This subject will help you in many aspects of your life; it helps you to think rationally, to create abstract concepts, to improve your decision-making tasks and to be a better thinker by applying what you have learned to every day life.
So, in order to achieve the goals mentioned above, you need to have good discipline, attendance, good study habits and a positive attitude. Respect is another important concept to reach a better education. In general, a good conduct behavior is essential to make sure you are in the right track to put your Math knowledge to work helping our society to go to a better future.


Office Phone Number

Fax Number:

To contact your Professor by e-mail, click the link below:




Spring Term 2008

(January 7th to April 25th)


MAC 1105 College Algebra

CRN 10580

    Lecture: Tuesday

  14:00 - 15:15

AB5 - 112 


MAT 1033 Intermediate Algebra

CRN 10612

Lecture: Friday

09:30 - 10:45 

AB5 - 112


MFG 1106  Finite Mathematics

CRN 10654

Lecture: Tuesday / Thursday

09:30 - 10:45

AB3 – 115


MFG 1107  General Mathematics

CRN 10622

Lecture: Tuesday / Thursday

11:00 - 12:15

AB3 - 102


Office location:

Modular 1, Office #24
(Parking Lot #7)

Office Hours:

Thursday: 12:30 - 14:15

    Friday: 11:00 - 12:30