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Colloquium Assignments - Service Learning
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Eagles Connect Site (Service Learning Agreement Form |
Service-learning is an educational experience designed to encourage civic responsibility and to meet mutually identified community and university needs. Whether integrated into the curriculum or accomplished through independent projects, service-learning is an experiential and reflective activity that increases knowledge and skills and contributes to personal and career growth.
You must fill out and bring your Eagles Connect Service Learning form with you to your service-learning activities. |
Service-Learning Opportunities
Spring 2013
Saturday February 2 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM- postponed to Feb 9, 2013
meet at Food Forest, FGCU Campus by Kleist Health Center
Listen to this Garden Tour (WGCU April 19, 21012)
FGCU Forest Canopy Measuring Project
(date to be determind)
Saturday Feb 16th 8 AM to 1 PM-
meet at Drew House at Pool/Community Center complex 18412 Lee Road
Saturday March 16, 2013 8 AM to 1 PM
meet at address found in e-mail sent to you from ANGEL
there are two demonstration plots in San Carlos Park, one at the Drew House and another beside a canal near the golf course that need some general maintenance including weeding, trimming, fluffing and laying mulch, remaining time could be used to pickup (sorted) trash in the canals (by boat) and roads of San Carlos Park
Digitally record the work day progress
Prepare a report for the Community partners that
documents growth and survival of different species of plants.
recommends specific replacement plants to enhance the aesthetic and functionality of the plots for enhancing wildlife habitat (mostly birds and butterflies)
identify sources for acquisition of replacement plants (Native plant societies and/or local commercial nurseries)
Here are the instructions for the Service-Learning proposal submission.
You will need to do research about the organizations that the class has selected to work with to prepare. (You tube is an amazing resource!)
Please submit a proposal that will outline your service learning project. This is worth 7% of your overall grade for the class. It will also serve as the first version of your Service-Learning reflection essay due the last day of class
Please address the following in your proposal:
What will I do for my service learning? (What constituency will you work with, what are their goals and what need will you help with)
How will this project connect with the natural world?
How will this project connect with what I hope to learn in Colloquium?
How does it relate to my major (find a connection to your major, even if it is broad, all fields relate to many of the issues covered in the course) or other interests and hobbies?
Criteria |
Achievement Level |
Does not meet standard
(33%) |
Partially meets standard
(66%) |
Meets or exceeds standard
(100%) |
Constituency to be served
(25% Weighting) |
8 percent
Student fails to provide information about the constituency to be served by the project or the needs of this group that can be met by the project. |
16 percent
Student gives a sense of a general constituency that could be served by the project and provides a general sense of the needs of this group that can be served by the project. |
25 percent
Student identifies the specific constituency to be served by the project and provides a detailed description of the needs of this group that can be served by the project. |
Course content applied
(25% Weighting) |
8 percent
Student does not adequately address relevant course content that will be used to develop the project, or does so in a way that demonstrates no understanding. |
16 percent
Student addresses the relevant course content that will be used to develop the project clearly but with some inaccuracies or incompleteness showing partial understanding. |
25 percent
Student addresses the relevant course content that will be used to develop the project clearly, accurately and
thoroughly, demonstrating understanding. |
Goals of the project
(25% Weighting) |
8 percent
Student does not identify at least one clear goal and is lacking in any measurable outcomes or links between goals,
constituency needs, and proposed application of course content. |
16 percent
Student identifies at least one clear goal, but it lacks a measurable outcome for the project or it is not clearly aligned with the needs of the constituency of the proposed
application of course content. |
25 percent
Student identifies a number of clear goals with measurable outcomes for the project, and these goals are aligned with the needs of the constituency and the relevant course content to be applied. |
(25% Weighting) |
8 percent
Student does not express self clearly with introductions, supporting paragraphs, concluding paragraphs and makes grammatical or spelling errors. |
16 percent
Student expresses self fairly clearly with introductions, supporting paragraphs, concluding paragraphs, but includes some grammatical or spelling errors. |
25 percent
Student expresses self clearly in paragraph form with introductions, supporting paragraphs, concluding paragraphs and no major grammatical or spelling errors. |
views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the
author and in no way represent those of FGCU or the FGCU board of
trustees |