![]() Colloquium Assignments - Group Presentation and Final Project Presentation Group Work and Presentations: Students will work in small groups to present information about their assigned Chapter in State of the World 2012- Moving Toward Sustainable Prosperity.
This will take effort to identify applicable resources so be sure to start working on this as soon as groups are assigned. There will be a single grade awarded to the entire group unless any member of the group requests otherwise. The request must be received in writing BEFORE the group presents. Final Project Presentation: The goal of the projects is to demonstrate how this course has had personal, academic, and/or professional meaning to you. In doing your project, consider the themes of sustainability, sense of place, environmental education, and ecological perspective. The final presentation is to be a creative expression of work that combines all the course outcomes and experiences into a brief (5-7 minute) presentation that shows how the course has helped you meet the student learning outcomes. Ideally it will containt an 'action' component and something you will find to be useful to you in the future. Each person should present as an individual unless prior approval has been given for group presentations. Make sure your final project presentation addresses the following:
Projects may be:
Early in the term you will have to submit your a Final Project Presentation Proposal (2% of your entire course grade). a few weeks later you will provide a Progress Report (5% of your entire course grade).
Here are some examples from previous semsters:Summer 2008 student presentations, current issues, etc Summer 2007 student presentations Some of my favorite student presentations: Summer 2010 Group 'Waitin' on the world to change at FGCU' Recycle for Kids, By Kids a video produced with the Children's Theatre by Rachel Carden Summer 2007 A video for appreciating sense of place- through the University Colloquium lens- a view of Miami-Dade County by Carlos Calante Summer 2007
Summer 2011 Final Projects (vampire walk, recycling at Coastal Village, at Naples-Fort Myers Greyhound Track, at Highland School, Hope United Church goes green, Orange River Hills Beautification, Summer 2010 Group 'Waitin' on the world to change at FGCU' Recycle for Kids, By Kids a video produced with the Children's Theatre by Rachel Carden Summer 2007 A video for appreciating sense of place- through the University Colloquium lens- a view of Miami-Dade County by Carlos Calante Summer 2007
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