Activity 1: Properties
of Immunity
Describe the essential characteristics
of Immunity using the specific immune cells indicated.
Specificity: cytotoxic T cell
Versatility: antibody
Memory: B cell
Tolerance: T cell
do you need to do . . . .
E-mail your responses directly to Dr.
Henry on or before midnight on Wednesday, March 24th.
Activity 2: A Chink
in the Armor -- Case studies in Immunity
Each student must selet two cases to diagnose.
Include the following information in your report:
What is your diagnosis? Why?
What further tests would you recommend?
What is your recommended treatment?
What has gone wrong in the immune system
of this patient?
A 30 year old man named Trevor goes to
his doctor because he cant seem to shake the flu. He explains that he
has had fevers (102 degrees F) on and off for about 3 weeks. Many nights
he wakes up drenched in sweat. He has had diarrhea on and off, as well.
As a matter of fact, Trevor explains that he has been on a bland diet for
2 weeks and he still has diarrhea. He has lost 5 pounds since the whole
episode has started. The doctor completes a physical exam an notes the
A 28 year old, elementary school teacher
named Cathy has moved to a new city due to her husbands job transfer.
She presents to the doctor complaining of a sore throat. She has had strep
throat several times in the past year. Additionally, Cathy complains of
chronic diarrhea, and she has swollen and tender lymph nodes. Cathy has
lost 10 pounds in the past year without dieting. She is 54" and weighs
105 pounds. She tells the doctor that she has been under a lot of stress,
as she has recently learned that her husband has been having extramarital
affairs. They moved to start over in their marriage. The doctor completes
a physical exam, including a throat culture and a CBC. The culture comes
back positive for streptococcus and the blood work indicates the following
abnormal values:
Differential WBC count:
Neutrophils 70%
Lymphocytes 10%
Immunoglobulin electrophoresis:
IgA: 500 mg/dl
IgG: 3000 mg/dl
Susan and her husband Bill go the their
physician because they are planning to have a child. The doctor recommends
that Susan begins to take pre-natal vitamins containing folic acid, which
has been proven to decrease the incidence of spinal disorders in infants.
Additionally, he asks Susan if she has had rubella or been immunized against
it. Susan doesnt remember having the disease. She does not have her immunization
records and was not born in the United States.
Lyle is a 40 year old, electrician. He
has been very tired lately. He cant seem to get enough energy up to go
to work each day. When he comes home he eats and sleeps. His wife has been
pushing his to see the doctor. Lyles body temperature is normal. The doctor
orders a CBC. Results include the following:
Hemoglobin 12 g/dl
Hematocrit 35
WBC count 35,000/mm3
Differential WBC count:
Neutrophils: 48%
Lymphocytes: 45%
Monocytes: 4%
Eosinophils: 2 %
Basophils: 1%
Ray is a 40 year old man whos kidneys
have failed. He has been on dialysis for 4 years, waiting for a kidney
donor. He was adopted at birth and has no blood relatives.
How are compatible donors found? Once found, how will Ray be treated
to ensure that the transplant is not rejected?
do you need to do . . . .
Post your reports on the
on or before midnight on Wednesday, March 24th.