At the end of the course, the students will be able to develop an in-depth knowledge on human anatomy and physiology as well as improve their skills in working with technology-based tools and laboratory resources. |
Identify components, define terminologies, and describe relationships between systems in the study of human anatomy. |
Identify processes and describe relationships between systems in
the study of human physiology.
Identify components, define terminologies, describe functions and uses of laboratory equipment and technology-based tools in the study of human anatomy and physiology. | Demonstrate how to access equipment & technology-based tools (e.g., CD-ROM, bulletin board, e-mail, etc.) and how to operate or use the laboratory tools and equipment. |
Demonstrate a willingness to follow safety protocols & procedures.
Apply knowledge and skills acquired from Human Anatomy & Physiology I. | Diagnose for cause(s) of a given physical symptom. |
Students will be able to describe how the systems in human anatomy and
physiology functionally interact with each other.
Demonstrate competency of entry-level knowledge and skills required for the next upper-level course. | Demonstrate a willingness to collaborate with others. |
Demonstrate an ability to work with others.
Demonstrate good written and presentation skills.
However, the third exam is optional. It will be available to only those who are interested in taking it. Students who take the third exam and do well can drop one of the exams that they did badly. COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM (20%)
Electronic Participation assignments will be submitted to the WebBoards located at the class web site.