Links to Web-based Resources 
BSC 1086c   Human Anatomy & Physiology II

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Interactive Anatomy Online

Ideal reference for students studying human anatomy and for those who just want to know more about the medical descriptions commonly used by doctors and nurses. It's the most informative and graphically detailed program for the human body.

A Guided Tour to the Visible Human
The Visible Human Project consists of some 9000 digitized sections of the body. The animations and images in this tour use some of these sections to demonstrate the planes of section, and how the two-dimensional images provide a unique means of studying the three-dimensional anatomy of the human body.   

Topics include:    

  • Cross-sectional Anatomy: Using 2D images to visualize 3D structures. 
  • Planes of Section, with animations: An introduction to the three planes of section. 
  • Interactive Annotations: A clickable interface that tells you about anatomical features in the picture. Available images may be searched for specific structures (experimental): 
Transverse sections presented in these pages derive from a copy of the Visible Man dataset maintained at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO. Sagittal and coronal sections are used with permission of the NPAC Project. Animations and the software running the interfaces for the annotated images were created by (me) Lynn Bry, an MD/PhD student at Washington University. Further details concerning the Visible Human may be found at the National Library of Medicine.
Human Anatomy On-line
    This is a resource that you can use to review the different concepts about the human body and physiology that you have learned in class.
Outcomes & Assessments
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Updated last January 1999 
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Copyright 1999 Henry & Baylen 
All rights reserved
Florida Gulf Coast University 
College of Arts and Sciences