On-line Activity #7
BSC 1086C Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Hearts & Souls:
An On-line Exercise
    Emilio has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Because of his condition, his ankles and feet appear to be swollen.  
      What is the relationship between congestive heart failure and accumulation of fluid in the feet and ankles? 
    What is the function of endothelial cells in arteries?  
      If an artificial artery were placed in ana individual who had arteriosclerosis of a carotid artery, why is there an increased risk of stroke? 
    How is blood pressure maintained in veins to cope with the force of gravity? 
What do you need to do . . . .
      E-mail your responses directly to Dr. Henry on or before midnight on Wednesday, February 24th.
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Florida Gulf Coast University 
College of Arts and Sciences