Activity #9
BSC 1086C Human Anatomy & Physiology II
"The Great Poster Showcase"
Area of Study 
    The Gastrointestinal System (Anatomy)
Learning Objectives 
    1. Identify the organs of the digestive tract and the accessory organs of digestion. 
    2. List the functions of the digestive system. 
    3. Describe the functional histology of the digestive system. 
    4. Describe the anatomy and functions of the oral cavity, pharynx and esophagus. 
    5. Describe the anatomy of the stomach, and it’s histological features. 
    6. Describe the anatomical and histological characteristics of the small intestine. 
    7. Describe the structure and function of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder. 
    8. Describe the structure of the large intestine. 


    1. This activity will be completed individually. Select a question from the hat.  You must answer the question in written form. Then, using pictures from magazines, depict the anatomical structure and function in pictorial form. Glue the pictures and your answer to the poster board provided. 

    2. Once all of the groups have completed the activity, post the poster in the hallway. Place your poster in the anatomically correct position with regard to all of the other works. Dr. Henry will depict either end of the digestive tract so that you know where to begin and end. 

    3. Follow the path of food from the mouth to the anus. Use the pictorial analysis to learn the anatomical structure of the digestive system.  If you do not understand the relationship of the picture to the function, ask the person to explain it to you. 

      A poster illustrating your response to the questions. 

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Updated last January 1999 
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Copyright 1999 Henry & Baylen 
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Florida Gulf Coast University 
College of Arts and Sciences