1. Open Human Anatomy software by clicking
on the icon.
2. Using Dissection Procedure -- Click
on Pelvis of the Human Figure
3. Click on Laboratory 42: Male Perineum
and Penis
4. Click on Lab Dissection Procedure
5. Click on Step 1 Surface Anatomy of Penis
6. Identify the structures as indicated.
7. Click on ?| (go back button) to return
to Laboratory Dissection Steps
8. Click on Step 7 The Corpus Spongiosum
and Corpora Cavernosa
9. Continue with Step 8 Cross Sections
of the Penis
10. Click on ?| (go back button) 3 times
to get to Laboratories of the Pelvis of the body
11. Click on Laboratory 44: The Male
12. Click on Laboratory Dissection Procedure
13. Click on Step 1: Organs in the
Male Pelvis in situ
14. Continue Step2, Step 3, Step 4, Step
5, Step 6, Step 7 and Step 8
15. Stop after Step 8: Structures
located posterior to the Urinary Bladder
After completing the on-line activity, you should be familiar with the
following anatomical features of the male reproductive system listed on
this matrix. Complete this matrix to create a study aid for yourself as
you go over the materials.