Activity #7
BSC 1086C Human Anatomy & Physiology II
"Sowing Wild Oats"
Area of Study 
    The Reproductive System: Male Reproductive Organs
Learning Objectives 
    1.  Summarize the functions of the human reproductive system and its principle components. 
    2.  Describe the components of the male reproductive system. 
    3.  Detail the processes of meiosis and spermatogenisis. 
    4.  Describe the roles the male reproductive tract and accessory glands play in the functional maturation, nourishment, storage, and transport of spermatozoa. 
    5.  Discuss the normal composition of semen. 
    6.  Describe the male external genitalia. 
    7.  Describe the hormonal mechanisms that regulate male reproductive functions. 

    Part A : The Birds and the Bees  -- Procedure 

    Get a  laptop from your instructor, connect to the ports, and  make sure that you have access to Human Anatomy On-line. Then, do the following :  

      1. Open Human Anatomy software by clicking on the icon. 

      2. Using Dissection Procedure -- Click on Pelvis of the Human Figure 

      3. Click on Laboratory 42:  Male Perineum and Penis 

      4. Click on Lab Dissection Procedure 

      5. Click on Step 1 Surface Anatomy of Penis 
      6. Identify the structures as indicated. 

      7. Click on ?| (go back button) to return to Laboratory Dissection Steps 

      8. Click on Step 7 The Corpus Spongiosum and Corpora Cavernosa 

      9. Continue with Step 8 Cross Sections of the Penis 

      10. Click on ?| (go back button) 3 times to get to Laboratories of the Pelvis of the body 

      11. Click on Laboratory 44:  The Male Pelvis 

      12. Click on Laboratory Dissection Procedure 

      13. Click on Step 1:  Organs in the Male Pelvis in situ 

      14. Continue Step2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5, Step 6, Step 7 and Step 8 

      15. Stop after Step 8:  Structures located posterior to the Urinary Bladder 

      After completing the on-line activity, you should be familiar with the following anatomical features of the male reproductive system listed on this matrix. Complete this matrix to create a study aid for yourself as you go over the materials.

Specific Structures
Functions (if appropriate)
Urinary Bladder
  • Internal Urethral Orifice
  • Apex
  • Base
  • Trigone
  • Anal Canal
  • Sigmoid Colon
  • Internal Sphincter
  • External Sphincter
  • Penis
  • Glans Penis
  • Prepuce
  • Frenulum
  • Navicular Fossa
  • Corona of the Glans
  • Root of Penis
  • Body of Penis
  • Dorsal/Ventral Surfaces
  • 1st and 2nd Angle of Penis
  • Urethra
  • Pelvis Portion of Ureter
  • Corpus Spongiosum
  • Corposa Cavernosa
  • Tunicaalbunginea
  • Prostatic Urethra
  • Membranous Urethra
  • Spongy Urethra
  • Prostrate Gland
  • Urogenital diaphragm
  • Prostatic Venous Plexus
  • Opening of Prostatic Utricle
  • Prostatic Sinuses
  • Ductus (vas) Deferens
  • Ampulla
  • Seminal Vesicles
  • Excretory Duct Seminal Vesicles
  • Seminalcolliculus
  • Urethral Crest
      Part B: Question & Answer 

      Using your text and/or the Internet, answer the following questions: 

        1. Which organs are palpable by rectal exam? 

        2. Describe the implications of the prostatic venous plexus in prostatic cancer. 

        3. Trace the path of a spermatocyte from the epididymis to the navicular fossa of the urethra. Include the site of entry of the glands that produce seminal fluids.

        Submit your output to the instructor at the end of the class.
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    Updated last January 1999 
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    Florida Gulf Coast University 
    College of Arts and Sciences