Activity #15
BSC 1086C Human Anatomy & Physiology II
"My Achy, Breaky Heart"
Area of Study 
    Blood Vessels and Circulation
Learning Objectives 
    1. Explain the mechanisms that regulate blood flow through capillaries, arteries and veins.
    2. Describe the factors that influence blood pressure and how blood pressure is regulated.
    3. Discuss the mechanisms and various pressures involved in the movement of fluids between capillaries and interstitial spaces.
    4. Describe how central and local control mechanisms interact to regulate blood flow and pressure in tissues.
    5. Identify the principle blood vessels and the functional characteristics of the special circulation to the brain, heart and lungs.
    6. Explain how the activities of the cardiac, vasomotor, and respiratory centers are coordinated to control blood flow through the tissues.
    7. Explain how the cardiovascular system responds to the demands of exercise, hemorrhaging, and shock.


    1. Work in pairs. 

    2. Each pair will be assigned a case. 

    3. Your task is to diagnose the problem including a physiological explanation for the symptoms. Include a treatment plan. 

    4. Prepare a poster to present your analysis.

Case 1
Tina, the Tennis Pro
Tina, the local tennis pro, is playing tennis on a hot summer day in Florida. Normally, she drinks Gatorade to quench his thirst, but she didn’t have a chance to get to the store so she is drinking water whenever she gets a chance to run to the fountain. By the end of the afternoon, Tina has a raging headache. She can feel her blood pounding in her ears.  She feels a bit nauseous as well. When Tina gets home, her husband, a student of Dr. Henry’s A&P class, whips out his sphygmomanometer and takes Tina’s blood pressure. Tina’s blood pressure is 210/90. Explain what happened to Tina and how she should treat the problem.
Case 2
Sally, the Stock Broker
Sally has a family history of hypertension. She is a 35 year old Stock Broker. Because of her stressful job, Sally has not been able to quit smoking , although she would like to. She is so busy at work that she normally eats fast food for lunch and dinner during the work-week. She loves french fries. She has promised herself that she would loose weight, but those extra 10 pounds have increase to 20 over the past year. One afternoon, as Sally is running to turn in a stock trade she experiences a sharp pain in her chest, it radiates down her left arm. She stops in her tracks and rests for a while.  The pain slowly stops. She visits her physician the following day to ask what happened. Diagnose the problem and pose a treatment plan for Sally.
Case 3
Mike, the Model
Mike, a high fashion model for Speedo swimsuits, sees a progressive appearance of a dark blue vein on the inside of his left thigh. He is concerned because the vein is beginning to protrude and he can’t continue to cover it up with makeup.  His manager says he will loose his contract with Speedo if he doesn’t have the problem treated. Mike visits his physician. What is the diagnosis?  How can it be treated?
Case 4
Ralph, the Retiree
Ralph is an 82 year old widower who lives alone in a small apartment in Cape Coral. His children still live up north, but they visit once a year. One afternoon Ralph is sitting in his living room, watching CNN. He decides to get a drink from the kitchen but when he tries to stand up he cannot move his left leg or arm. He touches his face with his right hand and he can’t feel anything. He reaches the phone and dials 911. An ambulance arrives and takes him to the emergency room.  After 45 minutes, Ralph recovers the ability to move his hand and leg. And he recovers sensation in his face. He is kept in the hospital overnight for tests. Diagnose the problem and pose a treatment plan for Ralph.
Case 5
April’s Appendix
One afternoon April experiences a sharp pain on the right side of her lower abdomen. The pain is not relieved by aspirin or rest. April calls is sick for work. That evening, April calls her mother to explain her symptoms.  Her mother says it sounds like appendicitis and tells April to go to the hospital. April says she doesn’t feel that bad and takes more aspirin.  She decides to wait until the morning, before calling her doctor. She doesn’t want to go to the emergency room, just to be told that she is having gas pains. During the night April awakes sweating profusely. She feels like she has to vomit, but when she tries to stand up to go to the bathroom she is so light headed that she sits back on the bed and grabs the trash can. She takes her temperature, which is 103 degrees Fahrenheit. She calls her neighbor Bob to see if he can take her to the hospital. When he comes into the house, he finds April’s color flushed and she is doubled over in pain.  Bob rushes April to the hospital. Diagnose April’s problem and pose a treatment plan.

      A poster that describe your diagnosis and treatment plan to the given case. 

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Florida Gulf Coast University 
College of Arts and Sciences