Writing Papers / IDS 3920 / Spring 2004


Paper 1: Educational Reflections

Paper 2: An Environmental Problem and Solutions

Paper 3: Ethics and Economics

Paper 4: Floridiana:  People and the Environment

Paper 5: Environmental Education


Knowledge  (Readings)
Application (Written)
Presentation of Ideas
Creativity & Originality
4   A 
Cites 4 or more  key concepts and supporting details from reading assignments 

1 or more citations from other relevant readings

Demonstrates insights and understanding of the readings 

Identifies personal responsibilities with regard to application(s)

Communicates all ideas clearly 

Shows attention to the details of performance conventions (spelling, grammar, etc.) 

Demonstrates a perspective on the readings with considerable  creativity and originality
3   B
Cites 4 or above  key concepts and supporting details from reading assignments 

 No citations from other relevant readings

 Demonstrates insights and understanding of the readings Communicates most ideas clearly Presents minor mistakes in performance conventions 

Demonstrates a perspective on the readings with some creativity and originality 


2   C
Cites 2-3  key concepts and supporting details from reading assignments 

No citations from other relevant readings

Demonstrates little insights and understanding of the readings Communicates some ideas clearly 

Presents minor mistakes in performance conventions

Demonstrates a perspective on the readings with little creativity and originality
1   D 
 Cites 1  key concept and/or supporting details from reading assignments 

No citations from other relevant readings 

Demonstrates no insights and understanding of the readings Does not communicate ideas clearly 

Pays insufficient attention to performance conventions

Demonstrates a perspective on the readings with no creativity and originality
0   F
 No citations from class readings and other relevant readings No attempts in demonstrating insights and understanding of the readings No attention to performance conventions  No attempts in demonstrating a perspective on the readings

 The scoring rubric for short papers suggests major areas of concentration in writing and reading a short paper.  Policies for students' re-writing short papers and/or student-instructor's writing conference on improving students' short papers may vary among the instructors of the University Colloquium. Points will be taken off for late papers.

HomeSyllabusIntroductionRequired TextsField TripsJournal WritingFinal Project

Writing Papers WeblinksFloridiana Rubrics



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