The home page for ANGEL is There is also a link to it on the FGCU Homepage. Faculty and staff can log in using their Faculty / Staff email username and password. Students log in using their Eagle email username and password.
ALL courses offered at FGCU automatically have an ANGEL site. However, courses are added in a "disabled" state so that students cannot access them until the course is "enabled" by the faculty. Because ANGEL is integrated with Banner, students are automatically placed within their courses in ANGEL so they do not have to do anything to "add" a course to ANGEL. However, as stated earlier, they will NOT see any courses until/unless the instructor has "opened" the course to them.
If you would like to try using ANGEL, follow these steps:
- Go to
- Log in using your Faculty / Staff username and password.
- You probably will NOT see your courses listed under "Courses" because all ANGEL courses are added in a disabled state & the default setting for any user is to NOT be able to view "disabled" courses.
- To change your settings to see "disabled" courses, do the following:
- Click on the small edit icon that is on the same bar as the Courses label. The icon looks like a small button and says "edit" in very small letters.
- On the next screen, go to the bottom where it says "Show disabled courses" and change to "Yes". Please note: all your courses are listed at the top of this page. Only keep the courses "checked" that you want access to within ANGEL.(you may have several courses from previous semesters that you don't really need listed on your ANGEL main page since you will not be using them)
- Click the "Save" button at the bottom
- Please note: Students CANNOT see any disabled courses, EVEN if they change their settings to "Show disabled courses".
- There is an online manual available at the HELP link that you will see in the upper left corner. In addition to the online manual, within that same window is a link that says "Downloadable ANGEL Guides". One of the Guides is an "Instructor Quick Start Tutorial" that you may also find very helpful.
- Please email Elspeth McCulloch, to let her know that you are trying out ANGEL so she can also add your name to the Instructor Tutorials and Resources course within ANGEL.
- We will be having training sessions every semester to teach faculty how to use ANGEL. You can also call Faculty & Course Development at 590-7084 for information and assistance.