ANGEL Support
Monday - Thursday, 7:30 AM - 11 PM
Friday, 7:30 AM - 9 PM
Saturday, 8 AM - 5 PM
Phone: (239) 590-7100
Leave a message after hours (Messages handled on the next business day)
Logging into the ANGEL server indicates that you agree to abide by the policies and procedures set forth in Florida Gulf Coast University's Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Procedure. Further, ANGEL mail is governed by FGCU email policies set forth in the Email Policy.
If you are receiving a "Session Timeout" or "Reauthenticate" message when you log on to ANGEL, you may need to clear your browser cache:
To ensure that all work done in ANGEL is properly recorded, use one browser with one tab open during an ANGEL session. Using more than one tab in a browser window can result in work done in ANGEL not being recorded. For example, when taking a test/quiz/exam if you have the test open in one tab, and are reviewing course material in another tab in the same browser window, it is possible that when you submit the exam there will be no record of it in ANGEL.
ANGEL LMS 7.4 was tested with a variety of platform technologies as well as common client-side technologies.