Issues in Science & Technology Outcomes Schedule Assignments Resources Grading Florida Gulf Coast University
  Click here to see the IDS 3143 Portal- see past issues students examined in previous semesters.

This Fall of 2011 students'  issues include:

Francisco Xavier Algae for biofuels:  Gooey Green Goodness
Kristen Hertzog Why induced pluripotent stem cells should not be used to prevent extinction
Hobie Shireling Gulf grouper on the Gulf Coast of Florida has been overfished and needs protection from commercial fishing
Alex Smith Ecological Corridors and their Importance to the Florida Ecosystem
Stephen Frazer Corn ethanol causes more adverse effects than positive
Alicia Myall Xenotransplantation is a good solution to long organ donor waiting lists.
Chelsea Pence We should not cut spending on NASA programs because it is important research.
Amy Costa College students are misusing/abusing ADHD medication and use is rising.
Emily Colston An abstinence only sex ed program is insufficient in preventing teen pregnancy and STI's
Shasta Alvarez Early intervention before symptoms arise  is key to slowing or stopping Alzheimers
Daniel Gregory Fracking pollutes the environment.
Emil Frankinburger Major restaurants chains are exploiting our neurological vulnerability by layering on fat in our foods.
Courtney Betchel Sexual orientation is a result of genetic and biological influences.
Anthony Kyle Starrett  The overuse and misues of antibiotics produces resistant strains of bacteria.
Michelle Wills We should produce hemp biofuels to better our economy and environment.
Wendy Mazuk Destroying beautiful Florida for fertilizer/phosphate mining is not a good idea.
Brittany Trzeciak Oxycodone should not be used to treat moderate pain because that leads addiction.
Melissa Kocher Blood doping among athletes is not only illegal in many sports but physically harmful to the athlete.
Doug Riddell Anabolic steroids are unhealthy for major league baseball players.
Danielle Perez Birth control chemicals in waterways demasculinizes fish populations.
Darrel Bagiotti The Keystone XL pipeline will have a negative impact on the environment if the proposal to build it passes.
Brittany Chase Monsanto: Genetically designing Nature's Demise through the introduction of Bt Crops
Maria Kindelman Gaining your ground:  Alternative treatments for initial depression
Amanda Porter In vitro fertilization practioners should limit the number of eggs implanted to reduce harm on fetus from premature multiple births.
Joshua Knierim Until more independent objective and reliable research comes out we should stop using Round-Up Ready crops.
Janel Schoenherr Gasification is environmentally safe than incineration.



My students and I have selected current issues in Science and Technology, and will show you the results of our efforts on these pages.  Students worked individually or in groups to examine these important current issues using critical thinking skills.  The students in the class are demonstrating their ability to model those skills and show evidence of improving their ability to use the University Student Learning Outcomes.

We hope you enjoy the material, and please let us know what you think!

Download Syllabus

Here is a 10 minute You tube video called

 Skewed views of science that summarizes what science is and why I so enjoy this class- I hope you do too!

Did you know?  A five minute video about how fast information is growing.




Some current issues that you may want to consider exploring:

Fracking for Natural Gas-- National Geographic Special report

Gasland the movie

PCB's, BPA and other plastics as endocrine disruptors

Nanotech Particles Pose Serious DNA Risks to Humans and the Environment

Pesticides in food the Big Ag side of the story or the Environmental Working Group issue--

Assessing Children’s Dietary Pesticide Exposure – Direct Measurement of Pesticide Residues in 24-Hour Duplicate Food Samples

Drugs in our waterways

Should the EPA be exempting 'green power' facilities from legal requirements for Agency review?

BIG WETLANDS LOSSES PLOTTED FOR GREEN POWER — Corps Prepares Broad Exemptions for Solar, Wind, Geothermal & Tidal Facilities

(Nationwide Permits limit or eliminate review by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Marine Fisheries Service).

Here are some more recent Science and Technology 'issues':

UF study: Mercury causes birds to turn homosexual The head researcher says the study has no relevance to human sexuality.

Government statement on Vitamin D questionable

Documentaries of interest regaring this year's issues:

Split Estate


Nora E. Demers, Ph.D.,

Comparative Immunology
Associate Professor
Biology and Interdisciplinary Studies

Whitaker 218

Office Hours:

Just send a note, stop by or give me a call to make an appointment.  

(239) 590-7211
(239) 590-7200

This is not an "easy" class but it is very interesting and rewarding. 

A great deal of work outside of class time is expected.  

I encourage you to  work with others on similar topics. Take advantage of this opportunity to work as a member of a highly functional group of your design and control.

WARNING: This class is not for the light-hearted- those wanting an "easy A" are strongly encouraged to look elsewhere!  You will be challenged  at least as much as your most rigorous disciplinary course.  I believe that IDS courses are where you should synthesize and apply your disciplinary experience to interdisciplinary issues that our community faces.  If you do not desire this sort of rigorous and challenging exercise, then please do us both a favor and enroll in a different section of IDS 3303.

I look forward to meeting an enthusiastic group of undergraduates at every class session.

Cheating, dishonesty, and plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in failure of the assignment and/or course.

 If you are at all unclear on the conventions or expectations on academy regarding providing proper citation to your research sources, then please take a moment to review these articles on plagiarism: "What is Plagiarism at Indiana University"; "How to Avoid Plagiarism"; "Avoiding Plagiarism"

Disability Accommodations Services

Florida Gulf Coast University, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the university’s guiding principles, will provide classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you need to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your academic performance is affected by a disability, please contact the Office of Adaptive Services. The Office of Adaptive Services is located in Howard Hall 137. The phone number is 239-590-7956 or TTY 239-590-7930

Fall 2011: IDS 3143

CRN 81684: Investigating Current Issues

Tuesdays 2:00 - 4:45  

AB3 212

This course is part of the Collegium of Integrated Learning and is required for the B.A. in Liberal Studies. Students and faculty will work together to investigate selected contemporary science/technology issues and problems and how they have developed across time.

Individually and in teams, students will develop "intellectual histories" of an issue or problem and take a stance on an issue. These "histories" will require building an integrated context by examining issues through the perspectives and methods of knowing in the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. Organized in interdisciplinary ways and problem-based, the course will stress engaged learning.

Students will be expected to formulate their own interpretations and responses to the issues. Consequently, success in the course will rely heavily on critical, creative, systematic, and collaborative thinking and the sophisticated use of communication, information, and technological skills.  

Required text: Protecting America's Health: The FDA, Business and One Hundred Years of Regulation (2003) by PJ Hilts

Available from Amazon (used) for under $5.00 shipping included

Publisher: Knopf, NY

ISBN: 978-0375404665

Students will also be expected to identify and use a wide variety of resources available through the library and world wide web.

I will be corresponding with you through your student email account. It is very important for you to have your student email activated. If you need assistance with this, please review the instructions for activating, forwarding, and getting help with your email.

IDS 3303 Home  | Outcomes Schedule   |   Assignments   |  Grading

Click here to see the IDS 3143 Portal- see past issues students examined in previous semesters.

© Demers &  Meers (2006). All rights reserved.
Do not reproduce without permission.
Last updated November 28 , 2011