- Chapter 1
- 1 - Comparison of quantifications of stem size
- 2 - Interaction between topographic features and
catastrophic wind damage
- 3 - Soil characteristics and catastrophic wind damage
- 4 - Gap size associated with catastrophic wind damage
- 5 - Catastrophic wind recovery time
- 6 - Dynamics of recovery from wind disturbance
- 7 - Sprouting response to catastrophic wind
- 8 - Percent uprooting in response to wind
- 9 - Frequency of catastrophic wind disturbance
- Chapter 2
- 10 - Hurricane recovery plot summary of results
- 11 - Measures of fit between maps of damage
- 12 - T-Square distance sampling
- 13 - Principal component analysis
- 14 - Results of canonical correlation analysis
- Chapter 3
- 15 - Summary of data from study plots
- 16 - Comparison of analysis methods
- Chapter 4
- 17 - Aboveground biomass equations
- Chapter 5
- 18 - Summary of measures of canopy structure
- 19 - Influence of topography and community dynamics on
structure in the understory
- Chapter 6
- 20 - Probabilities and resulting storm intensity
- 21 - Results of long-term simulations
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