Chapter 5
When chill November's surly blast
Made field and forests bare
Robert Burns
Beasts did leap and birds did sing,
Trees did grow and plants did spring
Richard Barnfield
One way to quantify recovery from disturbance is by
measuring changes in the canopy structure as the forest canopy
recovers. For the purposes of this study, canopy structure
refers to the distribution of plant material through vertical
layers above the ground, "the amount and organization of above
ground plant material" (Norman & Campbell 1989), or one type of
"complexity" as defined by August (1983). Canopy structure:
influences the flow of air through the canopy and the flux of
gases and radiation between the atmosphere and the forest;
helps define the suite of microclimates available to other
organisms living in or below the canopy (Norman & Campbell
1989, Welles 1990); is theorized to be positively correlated to
available niches (MacArthur et al. 1962, Levins 1968), and
therefore is proposed as one control on spatial patterns of
biodiversity (Pianka 1966, Meffe & Carroll 1994). Forests with
better developed and more diverse vertical structure have been
associated with higher species diversity of: birds (MacArthur
et al. 1962, Recher 1969, Wilson 1974, Moss 1978, Dickerson &
Segelquist 1979, Elliot 1987), insects (Southwood et al. 1979),
mammals (August 1983), and spiders (Greenstone 1984).
In addition to the studies cited above, which measured
canopy structure using foliage profiles, changes in canopy
structure due to wind impacts have been quantified: directly
by estimating canopy damage to stems (Frangi & Lugo 1991) or
canopy damage to plots (Whitmore 1989), remotely by using
aerial photography (Glitzenstein & Harcombe 1988), and
indirectly using hemispheric photography (Turton 1992) or
changes in solar radiation levels (Walker et al. 1992).
Numerous authors have documented canopy restructuring following
disturbance, but principally to calculate refoliation. Little
work has been done to quantify changes in canopy structure
through vertical layers of the canopy.
Brokaw and Grear (1991) used foliage profiles to describe
the impacts of Hurricane Hugo on the LEF, following the
methodology established by Karr (1971) to relate habitat
structure to bird population distributions, and Hubbell and
Foster (1986) to examine treefall gap dynamics. Brokaw and
Grear (1991) found that the hurricane had impacted the upper
canopy levels most strongly, lowering the average canopy height
by as much as 50%, and they predicted significant impacts on
forest composition. Crow (1980) noted changes in the canopy
stratification and height distribution of trees from 1946 (14
years after the last hurricane) and 1976. What is needed now
is to study the closing of the canopy and the restructuring of
canopy layers, particularly in the first decade of recovery.
This study analyzes the dynamics of recovery of the canopy
structure and the factors that influence these processes during
the first five years of recovery. These efforts to predict
patterns of vertical distribution of structure hold the promise
of predicting, over time, the distribution of herpetofauna,
avifauna, and invertebrates in the recovering forest (Reagen
1991, Waide 1991, Will 1991, Woolbright 1991, Wunderle 1992).
I evaluate the role of two secondary gradients in
influencing the dynamics of canopy restructuring: 1) community
dynamics (quantified as API) and 2) topographic position. To
examine the influence of community dynamics on the structure in
the recovering canopy, I test the following hypothesis and
three subhypotheses:
Hypothesis 2 - Recovering forests have significantly
different canopy structures when dominated by
recruitment (early successional species) as opposed
to dominated by regrowth (surviving late successional
2a. Maximum canopy height is significantly more variable
in regrowing forest sites than in those dominated by
recruitment of early successional species.
2b. Percent cover increases in each successive lower
canopy interval in a regrowing forest. Maximum
cover occurs at the lowest canopy interval - herb
(0-1 m), through the first three years of recovery.
2c. By the third year after disturbance, forest sites
dominated by recruitment have maximum cover at an
intermediate canopy layer, therefore any lower
layers have less vegetative cover.
To examine the role of topographic position in influencing
structure in the recovering canopy, I test the following
hypothesis and two subhypotheses:
Hypothesis 3 - Canopy structure is significantly different
between sheltered valleys and exposed ridges.
3a. Independent of the recovery vector, valley sites
have significantly lower percent cover in the
lowest two canopy layers: shrub (1-4 m) and herb
(0-1 m) than ridge sites.
3b. The difference between the lowest canopy layers
is significantly greater in valley sites than in
ridge sites when comparing regrowth to
recruitment. That is, the shading effect of the
canopy in a recruiting site is amplified in
Foliage profile data was collected at the 18 plots in the
HRP, the 25 plots in the BEW (see Figure 22, Chapter 3), and an
additional six plots in some of the least disturbed stands of
the forest (referred to as controls). At each plot, nine
samples were taken in a grid of three by three points, spaced 5
m apart (Figure 37). At each point, a 10 m extending pole was
extended into the canopy. The pole was marked at ten unequal
intervals of: 0 - 0.5 m, 0.5 - 1.0 m, 1.0 - 1.5 m, 1.5 - 2.0 m,
2.0 to 2.5 m, 2.5 - 3.0 m, 3.0 to 4.0 m, 4.0 - 6.0 m, 6.0 - 8.0
m, and 8.0 - 10.0 m. Five additional intervals of: 10 - 12 m,
12 - 15 m, 15 - 20 m, 20 - 25 m, and 25 - 30 m; were sampled by
estimating height to foliage using a range finder. This gave a
total of 15 canopy layers sampled. For each layer, any live
vegetation touching the pole (or estimated to touch the pole if
it was extended to the full 30 m) was recorded, an example of a
'semidirect method' for quantifying canopy structure (Norman &
Campbell 1989). Each layer was recorded as having or not
having vegetation touching the pole. Multiple contacts within
a given interval were not recorded. This sampling methodology
followed the protocol of foliage profile data collection
established for the LEF by Brokaw and Grear (1991).
Figure 37 - Foliage profile sampling methodology showing the
nine sample points nested in the plot structure for the HRP and
the BEW.
I summarize foliage profile data by aggregating intervals
(MacArthur et al. 1962, Karr 1971, Dickerson & Noble 1978,
Hunter 1990) into five canopy layers, designated as: surviving
20-30 m, canopy 12-20 m, subcanopy 4-12, shrub 1-4 m, and
herbaceous 0-1 m [similar to the four layers used by August
(1983) except for the distinction between the 'surviving'
former canopy and the new, lower, canopy]. Foliage profiles
are constructed with percent cover, calculated by determining
the percentage of points sampled with vegetation present, at
each height interval (Karr 1971, Schemske & Brokaw 1981, Brokaw
1988, Brokaw & Grear 1991). At each height interval, the
number of points at which vegetation was present is divided by
the total number of points sampled. These percent cover values
are plotted versus the height interval to create the profile
(see Figure 38). Percent cover may be calculated by pooling
all points in all plots, or by using the nine points in each
plot as an independent sample and then calculating the mean and
variance of all plots of a specific type, such as topographic
Four additional summary measures of canopy structure were
used. First, I calculated the average maximum canopy height by
taking the mid-point of the highest interval with vegetation.
Second, I calculated the Foliage Height Diversity (FHD)
(MacArthur & MacArthur 1961) for each plot, using the five
layers as 'species' and the count of touches in each layer as
'species counts', in the equation:
pi proportion of total touches that occur in
the canopy layer i
(Shannon & Weaver 1949)
Franreb and Ohmart (1978) state that the absolute amount of
vegetation may be of importance, rather than its distribution.
For the third summary measure I calculated foliage density by
taking the total number of vegetation touches (at all levels)
and dividing by the total number possible in a plot. Each plot
has nine points that are sampled at five layers giving 45
possible points. Foliage density is expressed as a percent,
and is numerically equivalent to averaging the percent cover at
all levels.
For the final summary measure of canopy structure I used
the original 15 layer data set and counted the total number of
touches at each sampling point as an estimate of leaf area
index (LAI). LAI represents the leaf surface area per unit of
forest floor, or the number of layers of leaves above any point
on the forest floor. Since multiple touches in a given layer
were ignored, this estimate of LAI should be consistently low,
but can still be used to compare between plots. The LAI is
averaged for each plot using the nine sampling points.
A variety of statistical tests have been applied to
foliage profile data and several are used in this study.
Comparison of the resulting interval patterns is accomplished
by using t-tests for individual levels, one-way ANOVA for
testing for differences between all layers; and 2 x 5
contingency tables, Wilcoxin two-sample test (Brokaw & Grear
1991), Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test (Brokaw 1988) and calculation of
foliage diversity for comparing the overall patterns of foliage
distribution between two categories of plots (MacArthur &
MacArthur 1961), such as ridge versus valley plots.
Three of these methods were used to test for significant
canopy structure differences between plots with different
recovery vectors, as defined by API values (Hypothesis 2). For
each recovery vector, the H' values, foliage density and LAI
were averaged then tested for significant differences using a
t-test. The pattern of foliage distribution, the foliage
profile, is tested for significant difference using a 2 x 5
contingency table (Aber 1979) and calculated G-test value
(Sokal & Rohlf 1981). To test for difference in the median
value of the foliage profile, the Wilcoxin two-sample test was
applied (Brokaw & Grear 1991). The foliage profile can also be
viewed as a frequency distribution and two distributions can be
compared using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for goodness of fit
(Brokaw 1988).
To examine Hypothesis 2A, I tested for significant
difference in the variance of canopy height between plots
following different recovery vectors, using Bartlett's test of
homogeneity of variances (Sokal & Rohlf 1981). To examine
differences between layers (Hypotheses 2B and 2C) I used a one-
way ANOVA (Hale 1992) and t-tests between specific layers.
I used the same three methods to test for significant
canopy structure differences between plots in different
topographic position, specifically ridges and valleys
(Hypothesis 3), as used to test Hypothesis 2. A t-test was
used to test for differences in the lower two canopy levels
(Hypothesis 3A). And, to test for significantly greater
differences in valley sites, I applied a two-way ANOVA for each
of the lower two canopy layers, categorizing the data by API
value and topographic position, and testing for significant
interaction between the categories (Sokal & Rohlf 1981).
Both community composition, as differentiated by API
values, and topographic position influence the vertical
structure of the recovering canopy. The API, topographic
position, percent cover in each of the five layers, canopy
height, FHD, and foliage density are reported for all 43 plots
in Appendix C-XVI and summarized in Table 18.
The foliage profile for HRP and BEW is presented in Figure
38, both as the original 15 layers of data (Figure 38A), and
the data collapsed into five layers (Figure 38B). Combining
the data into five layers emphasizes the differences between
the two sampling sites. The BEW has greater percent cover in
the subcanopy layer which may reflect its higher API (1.71).
This site was exposed to more intense hurricane wind (Scatena &
Larsen 1991) and is now dominated by a subcanopy layer of
Cecropia schreberiana which had not reached the canopy (12-20
m) layer and is shading out the lower levels of vegetation.
The HRP, with a lower API (1.38), has greater percent cover in
the canopy layer and the shrub layer.
A more direct examination of Hypothesis 2 is presented in
Figure 39, comparing the foliage profile data combined into
five layers and separated into the plots with API < 1.33 and plots
with API > 1.33. Figure 39A graphs all 43 plots. As was the
case between sites, plots with higher API have a greater
percent cover in the subcanopy layer. Plots with a lower API
have greater percent cover in the shrub and canopy layers, and
also in the surviving layer. To examine if these differences
might be related to the difference between sites rather than
API values (BEW is predominately API > 1.33, HRP is evenly
split), Figure 39B show the distribution of percent cover for
only the HRP plots. Here the plots with API > 1.33 have less
cover in the subcanopy layer and greater percent cover in the
shrub layer. The re-establishing canopy of early successional
species may not have yet reached the subcanopy layer in the
plots on the HRP.
When these two profiles (API < 1.33 and API > 1.33 for all
43 plots) are tested, only one of the several tests applied
indicated a significant difference. The contingency table
analysis yielded an adjusted G-value of 4.02 (p>0.05). For the
Wilcoxin two-sample test, C=13 (U0.05=21). The Kolmogorov-
Smirnov Test yielded D=0.0211 (D0.05=0.092; n1=795, n2=303). To
investigate the possibility of topographic interference in
identifying significant differences between these two groups of
plots, the ridge plots (D=0.066, D0.05=0.209, n1=170, n2=56) and
valley plots (D=0.050, D0.05=0.16, n1=125, n2=120) were tested
separately, but no significant difference was found (Figure
Table 18 - Summary of measures of canopy structure for different categories
of plots
Number of Percent Cover by Layer Average Foliage
Category Plots Herb Shrub Subcanopy Canopy Surv Height H' Density LAI
HRP 18 75.31 91.36 69.14 42.49 8.64 13.53 1.36 57.41 4.78
BEW 25 74.22 84.45 85.33 28.00 9.33 12.22 1.33 55.47 5.24
Controls 6 70.37 59.26 88.89 83.33 18.52 19.52 1.45 64.09 5.31
Valley 10 73.74 78.89 88.89 21.11 10.00 12.22 1.30 54.44 4.82
Bench 4 83.34 100.00 58.34 50.00 2.78 12.54 1.30 58.89 4.58
Slope 21 76.72 86.77 80.42 37.56 11.11 13.41 1.37 57.57 5.27
Ridge 8 66.67 93.06 70.84 33.33 5.56 11.90 1.36 53.89 4.93
API < 1.33 12 73.15 87.04 78.71 37.04 10.75 12.87 1.33 57.34 4.90
API > 1.33 31 75.27 78.50 87.46 32.97 4.63 12.51 1.35 55.77 5.20
Totals 49 74.15 83.90 79.82 40.13 10.20 13.60 1.36 57.24 5.06
Figure 38 - Foliage profile data for all 15 layers of canopy sampled (A) and for this
data combined into five canopy layers (B). Comparing Hurricane Recovery Plot (HRP) and
Bisley Experimental Watershed (BEW).
Figure 39 - Foliage profiles comparing plots with API < 1.33 to
those with API > 1.33. Data compressed into five layers. A.
data for all 43 plots from both the Bisley Experimental
Watershed and the Hurricane Recovery Plot (n=387). B. Data form
only the Hurricane Recovery Plot (n=162)
Figure 40 - Foliage profiles combined into five layers,
comparing plots with different API and separated by topographic
position. A. valley plots. B. ridge plots.
Figure 41 - Histogram of maximum canopy heights comparing plots
with API < 1.33 and plots with API > 1.33. Canopy heights
combined into intervals of 5 m and percent of sampling points
with a maximum height in each interval is given.
Finally, examining the summary indices, the average H'
values between the two groups of sites yielded a t-value=1.328
(df=41, p>0.05). The foliage density was not significantly
different between plots (t-value=0.117, p>0.05). However, LAI
was significantly lower in the plots with API < 1.33 (mean
4.66) than in plots with API > 1.33 (mean=5.20, t-value=2.267,
p<0.05). This may reflect the finer resolution of canopy
sampling in the lower layers, where vegetation is expected to
be concentrated in plots dominated by recruitment.
Figure 41 is a graphic representation of the data
pertaining to Hypothesis 2A, examining if the two groups of
plots are significantly different in the variation of their
maximum canopy heights. The number of sampling points whose
maximum canopy height falls into each 5 m interval is tallied.
For example, both groups of plots have 10 to 15 percent of the
sampling points with a maximum canopy height of less than 5
meters. The two distributions are clearly different, with
canopy concentrated in the 20-25 m interval for plots with API
< 1.33, and canopy concentrated in the 10-15 m intervals for
plots with API > 1.33. However, testing for homogeneity of
variances, yielded no evidence of a significant difference
(chi2=1.123, p>0.05).
To determine if plots with API < 1.33 have increasing
percent cover in each layer down through the canopy, the
percent cover for each layer was plotted (Figure 39) and the
distribution was tested using a one-way ANOVA. The ANOVA
indicated significant differences between layers (F=58.46,
P<0.001), but the lowest layer (herb) does not have the highest
percent cover.
To determine if plots with API > 1.33 have the largest
percent cover in the subcanopy layer, the percent cover for
each layer was plotted (Figure 39) and again the percent cover
for each layer was tested using a one-way ANOVA. The ANOVA
indicated significant differences between layers (F=110.38,
P<0.001). Individual t-tests were applied between the
subcanopy layer and the shrub and herb layers. Both the herb
layer and the shrub layer had significantly less cover than the
subcanopy layer (t=3.723, p<0.001; and t=1.809, p<0.05).
To examine the influence of topographic position on canopy
structure, the foliage profiles were plotted for the combined
five layers and separated into the most extreme topographic
classes, ridges and valleys (Figure 42). The pattern of the
foliage profile for ridge plots is similar to that for the
plots with API < 1.33. The ridge plots have increasing percent
cover with each interval lower into the canopy, except for the
herb layer where the percent cover decreases. The valley plots
have a foliage profile similar to plots with API > 1.33, with a
maximum percent cover in the subcanopy layer. When these two
profiles were tested, no significant difference was detected.
Comparing the average H' values between the two groups of sites
yielded a t-value=1.054 (df=17, p>0.05). Comparing foliage
density (t-value=0.219, p>0.05) and LAI (t-value=0.298, p>0.05)
also showed no significant differences. The contingency table
analysis yielded an adjust G-value of 5.97 (p>0.05). For the
Wilcoxin two-sample test, C=14 (U0.05=21). Finally, the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test yielded D=0.66 (D0.05=0.125; n1=226,
n2=245). To investigate the possibility of interference from
variation in the API values of the plots in each topographic
position in identifying significant differences between these
two groups of plots, the plots with low (<1.33) API (D=0.096,
D0.05=0.219, n1=170, n2=56) and the plots with high (> 1.33) API
(D=0.077, D0.05=0.16, n1=170, n2=125) were tested separately, but
no significant difference was found.
Figure 42 - Foliage profiles comparing plots from different
topographic positions. Data compressed into five layers.
To examine Hypothesis 3a, whether valley sites have lower
percent cover in the herb and shrub layers than ridges have in
the herb and shrub layers, a t-test was applied to each level,
comparing the ridge and valley sites. The herb layer was not
significantly different between the two topographic positions
(t=0.670, p>0.05). The shrub layer has significantly lower
percent cover in the valley sites (t=3.12, p<0.001).
To examine the interaction between topography and the
restriction of growth relative to recovery vectors defined by
API, an ANOVA was applied to the plots categorized by API and
topography (Table 19). The difference between the shrub layer
counts in valley sites is greater than the difference between
sites on ridges (1.0 and 0.21 respectively), but this
difference is not significant (F=0.72, p>0.05). The herb
layer shows no such trend, and has greater cover in plots with
API > 1.33, in both ridges and valleys (Table 19).
Table 19 - Influence of topography and community dynamics on
structure in the understory. Mean and standard deviation (SD)
of counts of vegetation touches in the lower two canopy layers
of plots categorized by API value and topographic position.
Plots from both BEW and HRP.
Shrub Layer Herb Layer
API Topography N mean SD mean SD
>1.33 Valley 5 6.60 1.14 7.20 1.30
<1.33 Valley 5 7.60 0.89 6.00 1.58
>1.33 Ridge 7 8.29 0.76 6.14 1.07
<1.33 Ridge 2 8.50 0.71 5.50 0.71
Forest canopy structure differs between the recovery
vectors because of the difference in severity of damage and the
resulting vertical gradients of abiotic factors, principally
solar radiation. Regrowing forest stands have surviving stems
that result in a variable upper canopy surface that allows some
solar radiation to penetrate through to the lower canopy
layers. A forest stand dominated by recruitment occurs where
more severe disturbance results in initially higher levels of
solar radiation at the forest floor. However, as a pulse of
new trees is established, the resulting canopy is both even and
dense; allowing less solar radiation to penetrate to lower
levels as the canopy grows upward.
The difference in solar radiation available to lower
canopy levels is amplified by topographic position and
topography influences the severity of damage from wind.
Therefore topographic position also influences forest canopy
structure. Sheltered valleys receive less solar radiation due
to shading of the terrain, so the lower canopy levels have less
structure and the difference between these two vectors of
recovery is increased. More diffuse solar radiation penetrates
to the lower canopy levels on exposed ridges, so the
vegetation structure at these levels is denser and the
difference between the two vectors of recovery is diminished,
although this difference was not significant in this study.
The herb layer did not follow expected trends. In plots
dominated by regrowth (API < 1.33) I predicted the herb layer
would have the highest cover, but this layer had less cover
than the shrub layer. This could be the result of shading from
the shrub layer. If solar radiation is influencing the foliage
structure in the herb layer, we would expect a lower percentage
cover in valleys where lateral solar radiation is restricted.
This was not the case, as percent cover was higher in the herb
layer of valley sites compared to the herb layer of ridge
sites. Possibly structure is influenced also by a soil
moisture gradient.
Figure 43 - Projected patterns of recovery of canopy structure.
Two vectors of recovery based on API, A. plots with API < 1.33,
B. plots with API > 1.33. Pre-hurricane levels based on data
from Brokaw and Grear (1991).
Tree community composition, quantified as API, can be used
to extrapolate canopy structure through the recovery phase. If
we use Brokaw and Grear's (1991) pre-hurricane structural
measurements as an assumed endpoint to recovery, we can predict
two distinct paths to this endpoint. In plots with API < 1.33,
the upper two layers of the canopy will continue to grow
outward, while the lower two layers decrease in percent cover
due to the restricted solar radiation environment (Figure 43A).
In plots with API > 1.33, the percent cover decreases in the
three lower levels as the canopy moves upward first to the
canopy (12-20 m) layer, then finally to the highest level (20-
30 m) (Figure 43B). Weaver (1989) predicts three stages to
recovery from hurricane disturbance in the LEF: 1) colonization
and growth, 2) building, and 3) maturity. His data indicates a
shift from the first to the second stage at 20 years. Crow
(1980) found that stem number approaches steady state after 44
years of recovery from the 1932 hurricane, so I assumed 40
years to complete canopy recovery.
Figure 44 - Comparison of two foliage profiles with similar
FHD. Distribution is plotted as a continuous profile, with
foliage density at each level. (after MacArthur & MacArthur
FHD has been a common way to quantify canopy structure,
but it may not be appropriate for distinguishing between
foliage profiles. Foliage profiles may have very different
shapes but similar values for H', as indicated by two examples
from MacArthur and MacArthur (1961) (Figure 44). In this
example both profiles are not even, but have one or more areas
of higher concentration of structure. When the research
question is concerned with the location of dense vegetation,
another method must be used to distinguish between
Karr and Freemark (1983) use the Wilcoxin matched-pairs
signed-rank test, which seems to be sensitive to differences
when all or most of the canopy layers are lower in one profile
than in another, such as is the case in comparing pre- and
post-disturbance profiles. However, when the profiles differ
by location of concentration of vegetation, as is the case in
comparing the vectors of recovery in this study, this test does
not detect differences. The Wilcoxin matched-pairs signed-rank
test sums positive and negative differences. These differences
will tend to cancel out when one profile is larger in one layer
but smaller in another. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, suggested
by Brokaw (1988), utilizes the largest difference between
foliage in any one layer, and therefore can detect when one
layer has a much higher concentration in one profile. But, the
test ignores cumulative differences in other layers. A
contingency table, as used by Aber (1979), seems the most
appropriate test for detecting large differences in a single
layer or smaller differences in several layers which
cumulatively can indicate a significant difference between two
foliage profiles. Yet, even this test indicates no significant
difference between foliage profiles which appear distinctly
different (e.g., Figures 39 and 42).
Though the question of appropriate statistical tests
remains unanswered, clearly topography and tree community
dynamics influence vertical structure of the canopy of a forest
recovering from hurricane disturbance. Pianka (1966) stated
that relating animal species diversity to canopy diversity only
changes the focus to factors that control canopy diversity.
This study indicates that intensity of damage, reflected in
differing vectors of recovery, influences canopy structure.
This influence is mitigated by topography. Although the
mechanism of control is probably a gradient of solar radiation
and possibly soil moisture, these descriptive relationships to
damage severity and topography allow the simulation of patterns
fo canopy restructuring, over the landscape, following
hurricane disturbance.
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