- Preface
- 1 - Impacts of disturbance on ecological space
- 2 - Margalef's mapping of stability
- 3 - Conceptual model of direct gradient approach
- 4 - Conceptual diagram of hurricane recovery model
- 5 - Flow diagram of RECOVER
- 6 - Two models of recovery from disturbance
- 7 - Luquillo Experimental Forest, Bisley Experimental
Watersheds, and the Hurricane Recovery Plot
- 8 - Historical hurricane disturbance
- 9 - Sequence of disturbance and growth plot monitoring
- Chapter 1
- 10 - Major tracks of Cyclonic Storms
- 11 - Intensity of catastrophic wind events
- 12 - Secondary gradient space for severity of
catastrophic wind events
- 13 - Paths to recovery from catastrophic wind disturbance
- Chapter 2
- 14 - Distribution of Dacryodes excelsa and Casearia arborea
- 15 - Spatial patterns of hurricane damage
- 16 - Change in fit and shifting spatial scale
- 17 - Patch size frequency distribution
- 18 - Patch area proportion distribution
- 19 - Spatial pattern analysis
- 20 - Correlations between environmental factors and damage
- 21 - Interactions among disturbance, abiotic gradients
and biota
- Chapter 3
- 22 - Study plots in HRP and BEW
- 23 - Distribution of API plot values
- 24 - First two principal components of vegetation data
- 25 - Ordination of study plots based on community composition
- 26 - HRP distribution in damage gradient
- 27 - Subset of HRP: API and position in damage gradient
- 28 - Additional HRP plots to refine function
- 29 - Test of API and position in damage gradient: 100 plots
- 30 - BEW plots: test of API and position in damage gradient
- 31 - PCA of all 43 plots with species pooled in succession
class categories
- Chapter 4
- 32 - Distribution of BEW plots along axis of growth rate
- 33 - Position of plots in gradient space of solar radiation
and hurricane damage
- 34 - Regression of API with hurricane damage
- 35 - Gradient space of solar radiation and soil water for BEW
- 36 - Gradient space of solar radiation and soil water for HRP
- Chapter 5
- 37 - Foliage profile sampling methodology
- 38 - Summary foliage profiles, all sampling intervals and
combined into five layers
- 39 - Foliage profiles comparing plots with API <1.5 and
API >1.5
- 40 - Foliage profiles comparing plots with API <1.5 and
API >1.5 at different topographic positions
- 41 - Histogram of maximum canopy heights
- 42 - Foliage profiles for different topographic positions
- 43 - Projected pattern of recovery of canopy structure
- 44 - Comparison of two foliage profiles with similar FHD
- Chapter 6
- 45 - Topographic position search window
- 46 - Examples of cells used to identify valleys or ridges
- 47 - Simulated pattern of canopy structure dynamics
- 48 - Validation of topographic classification subroutine
- 49 - Simulated recovery of leaf area index - first four
- 50 - Simulated changes in biomass - first four years
- 51 - Canopy dynamics during the first four years
- 52 - Simulated changes in Average Pioneer Index -
over 200 Years
- 53 - Simulated changes in biomass over 200 years
- 54 - Simulated changes in Average Pioneer Index -
over 1000 years
- 55 - Simulated changes in biomass over 1000 Years
- 56 - Simulated changes in percent cover of the surviving
canopy layer over 1000 years
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