Learning Principles

Module 10 


- The process of using sign structures to mediate the world in which one lives
- Semiosis is a process common to all life
- Sign structures, through mediation, create the individual’s umwelt

     It is the use of signs that sepearte the living from the nonliving.  All encounters of living organisms with their environment are through signs.  (This may be stretching the point a little, as I am not sure that microbial bacteria can construct signs).  Signs do not exist individually, but exist in structures, through which we mediate the world.  This mediational process is referred to as semiosis.  It is through these sign structures that we filter our world.

     Semiosis characterizes all varieties of life.  In animals, semiosis creates structures that assist in the organization of the environment.  Goats during mating season might be used as an example.  During this time, the male goat becomes more attuned to certain signs (indexes) related to the object (mating).  Other signs may be completely ignored.  In some animals for instance, food and associated signs are ignored during mating season.  These signs define a portion of the goat’s umwelt.  Another example are birds on south seas islands that nest on the ground.  When spring rains come, they ignore all signs, focusing on some representation of their nesting area, and its interpretation- home.  As a result, they often drown in shallow puddles because they will not move.

     A final example comes from country music.  There is a 1980's song that suggests "...all the girls get prettier at closing time."  When it is time to go home, the world is mediated through a particular series of signs, while others are completely ignored.  As a result, according to this country philosopher, progressively more signs are ignored as it gets closer to last call.