When it comes to family involvement and its powerful influence, the knowledge base is broad and clear. The challenge comes in changing knowledge into practice and practice into results.
The following website, www.indiana.edu/~eric_rec/fl/pcto/menu.html, is a link into an internet magazine titled, Parents and Children Together Online. This magazine is directed towards helping children and their families find ways to communicate in all aspects of their daily lives. It has a variety of articles, which change on a monthly basis, and is filled with many different activities and information. Family Involvement Areas to visit:
Home | Who's Special Ed? | Kids Like Me! | Study Habits | Life After High School |Family | ResourcesThis website was developed collaboratively during the summer session of June/July 2000, as a technology project by graduate students in EEX 6015: Learning Disabilities; and Dr. Marcia Greene, Associate Professor and Bill Halverson, Technology Instructor/Webmaster, Florida Gulf Coast University, College of Education. Comments/Feedback??? Email us directly or use the Feedback option at the top of the page. We hope you have enjoyed this website!
Last modified: July 10, 2000