The "For Kids Only" Learning Disabilities Website




When families volunteer, both the families and schools benefit from each other.

Here are some ideas:

Visit your child's classroom now and then, or stop in for lunch. (Ask the principal if it's OK beforehand)

Volunteer to help in class or with activities such as school plays or sports.

Talk to your child's teacher often.

Join school committees that include parents.

Go to workshops your child's school offers to families.  

Also, though there are many families for whom volunteering during school hours is not possible, here are some creative solutions.  Volunteer in 

before or after school "drop-in" programs

 "at-home" support activities

These all provide opportunities for families to offer their assistance as well.  The following website is a helpful guide for additional family involvement information






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This website was developed collaboratively during the summer session of June/July 2000, as a technology project by graduate students  in EEX 6015: Learning Disabilities; and Dr. Marcia Greene, Associate Professor and Bill Halverson, Technology Instructor/Webmaster, Florida Gulf Coast University, College of Education.   Comments/Feedback??? Email us directly or use the Feedback option at the top of the page.  We hope you have enjoyed this website! 
Last modified: July 10, 2000
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